IM ACTUALLY REALLY curious on how they’ll handle limiteds, oops looks like your 100k sshf is gone too bad!
i joined before but my account was hacked and it got deleted but i dont remember the username
They will probably be forced to leave the limited versions up, as they did when they removed realistic gun gears but left the flintlock limited alone
What about overpriced faces like Big sad eyes? I genuinly don’t know wanna panic buy especially as I’m hoarding so much robux atm
Most likely taken offsale, if you didn’t get them before they go your out of luck
They didn’t catch the Exclamation Face yet tho.
Imagine they just make it as a dynamic head for like 300 robux or something
and just say the limited ones are seperate…
Honestly if they did a dynamic head beast mode i wouldn’t complain lol
but roblox have been known to serve trash so they got to listen to actually make this update good
I know that everyone is mad that this is being enabled by default soon, but keep in mind that you will have the choice to switch to the classic faces when this is rolled out.
When all our classic faces are offsale ?
its optimized to be forced, its litteraly being shown right now.
Its forced to everyone as well when rolled out, Wow. aint good.
Sure but the said classic faces are disappearing right before our eyes.
they’re mad that classic faces are being taken off sale, basically meaning that this doesn’t matter anyway
it DOES matter but in this context not really, older users are pretty much grandfathered in while new users don’t get to use any of the faces
Did you miss the memo that classic faces are being taken offsale for no reason besides them not being 3D?
I’m not often the one to go against Roblox’s ideas. But I feel like this is a bad move.
If Roblox wasn’t TAKING THE CLASSIC FACES OFF SALE, THEN THIS WOULD BE FINE. But for whatever reason, you take the classic faces off sale. This seems strange to take the classic faces off sale.
If you wanted to promote the new heads, then either just make it harder to find the classic faces, or make them cost more Robux, or EVEN MAKE THEM LIMITED. I feel like those ideas are a lot better then just taking the items off sale.
Maybe even bundle the classic faces with the Dynamic Heads?
I haven’t even touched over what a lot of other Developers and Players are saying.
Its not helpful for the community and has no pros, it just limits avatar customization and forces what roblox said they wouldn’t. Roblox’s own staff lied to us saying they wouldn’t touch classic avatars, but we were wrong.
Roblox keep lieing to us and releasing tragic unthought about features, its getting annoying now so can we just have a day where nothing bad happens ? maybe once ?. maybe sometime?
This is horrible, i dont think anybody wants these as a change for ALL faces, why can’t ROBLOX just upload an animated version for every face?
They always try to hide the past that made them be the company they are now, with this type of changes theres isn’t a “Powering imagination” anymore, there isn’t any imagination if all they trying to do its pulling up In Real Life things (irl) such as characters, that can be easily faked, an avatar doesn’t mean an exact copy of you, expresing your self means be able to make anything in this platform with all the features, ROBLOX is just removing those, the people that actually SPEND MONEY on the platform will not buy the dynamics heads, they are hyper inflated in the price, and most of them look disturbing. It isn’t cool, it isn’t friendly, looks absolutly CREPPY.
A child shouldn’t have a camera, or anything that could help someone to bully, or intimidate him/her. Thats why ROBLOX needs friendly characters as the Bacon, Noob, R6/15, Blocky. Its something special, is the soul of a ROBLOX avatar, its your own logo/Icon in the world, and you guys killing it for look “Cool” for investors, but you only loosing money, that says everything. Please fire the person behind this idea, and hear the comunity for once.
We dont hate on dynamic faces, we hate the choosing of deleating our/your soul as company/users with the destruction of this classic faces that gives a friendly vibe to ROBLOX.
Hear us out. We beg.
I guess take the least popular option and force it onto people while destroying the ability to use the popular option.
No ROBLOX i don’t want to use dynamic heads because it doesn’t fit my avatar and the main reason is it’s very uncanny especially on R6 character.
I prefer to use the og faces since it has a charm that these new ones fail to replicate. Drawings have a charm and value to them, 3D can also have that hence the layered clothing options taking off, but with these faces if done right it would have that charm but it doesn’t.
On a related unrelated note I guess this will also eventually trickle down to older body parts and classic clothing as well. If they’re going to start doing this to us then why stop here with this obnoxious change?