We’re updating Heads!

Not my thing either and I’m glad people are all agreeing with each-over over the horrible decisions the corporation has made over the years. I don’t hate layered clothing either but I can’t help but dislike it a bit when it’s just sad to see that nobody is even using it, even after Roblox’s attempt on fully integrating into the avatar system and regularly improving it,

Same thing goes with Rthro where it’s just a complete flop, biggest failure ever you could even say. I don’t remember the last time I saw someone properly using Rthro to its full potential, it carries no imaginative thing about it, it’s quite the opposite


Welcome to Roblox, where people get mad over virtual avatar accessories that they didn’t buy yet and are put offsale!

To clear up things about camera privacy, I am here to assure you it is all processed on the client and no telementary is sent. You can test it yourself with a program like Wireshark or viewing your router’s incoming and outgoing requests and ports used.

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I would just like to start by saying this is a horrible idea.

This is a COPPA and data breach nightmare, and I hope this requires age verification to ensure that younger users do not enable this not knowing that they are giving up incredibly important personal information that can be used to steal identities (US airports use facial biometrics to confirm identity).

I also hope this will not be ruining faces that already existed, and that classic faces are kept for users that already had them, rather than transforming them.

Also: DON’T MAKE THESE HEADS! Please make them faces so we can use them on classic heads. Thank you for listening to my rant.


I really wouldn’t have an issue, if the new faces were a perfect 1:1 replica of the original and at the same price. But they aren’t. The new faces don’t fit accessories correctly. Their heads are not the same shape as classic heads. And the unfortunate part is that the new “Dynamic Faces” only are fixed to a single head shape. Very limiting. Very restrictive.

The new faces just aren’t that flexible and usable as the old faces are, for reasons I have outlined above. On its own, that wouldn’t be catastrophic. But the fact that Roblox is attempting to replace classic community-loved faces that have worked perfectly fine for well over a decade with something new and unpolished is frankly disconcerting. I don’t know why Roblox has a habit of removing a feature while not providing a suitable replacement (genres!), but its really concerning to say the least. Roblox doesn’t need to remove a bunch of old faces to promote a new feature. If people like it, they will use it. No need to force it down our throats, like making Rthro the default R15 idle in the Avatar editor.


Cool? i guess?

But my question is, why would I, or most people need this sort of feature baked directly into the roblox engine while 9.5/10 times we would not even need it? I’m all up for fancy cool random tech and stuff but i would appreciate if said tech wasn’t exactly baked into the engine. Would appreciate it even more if said tech did not need to (potentially) spy on me 24/7 because i dared play around with this feature in some random baseplate game and now its still being used (regardless of how the game was designed) in X and Y games. (I LOVE THE CIA SPYING ON ME!!!)


Someone hire Roblox to work on an Alien movie, cause they’re acting like facehuggers right now ngl

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Just equip it back, I guess? They didn’t steal inventory items.


We now have no classic face choice and we have to use roblox’s goofy dynamic heads which are two times the price, look ugly, dont fit accessory’s and are a cheap marketing move. People are going to be mad when roblox is changing a piece of avatar customization away that they promised they wouldnt ruin.


That happened to me once. Just equip a 1:1 recreation UGC face instead.

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hello, hopefully its understood that forcing users to switch to an update they dont want by removing alternatives is not a good thing.

this is roblox we’re talking about though, so the employees might just think this’ll work or something.


for the new members, they have much fewer options if, say, they want to be able to choose classic faces?

and their only alternatives are horrible versions that are 10x more expensive! Awesome! I love spending in-game currency on a cosmetic item that is practically worthless and looks a whole lot worse compared to the original!


Maybe they wanted to buy it but don’t have the Robux? Maybe they are mad there is no 3D face version in sight? Maybe they’re just insulted by the idea of Roblox taking away options? Maybe they dislike 3D heads because they are inferior in many ways.

Maybe you should stop boiling down stuff so you can make it look bad and then attempt to take a dump on it?


I can assure you that I do not think it is right to take accessories offsale.

That’s like saying accesossory types are deprecated.


Yeah but its pretty obvious that’s what they want.
I’m quite worried that the only thing stopping them from just entirely swapping the head/face system to this one is that single legal case that got filed a year ago I think. And even then that could be bypassed by just issuing refunds.


But removing faces is forcing a new dynamic head onto users.

The dynamic heads are overpriced, poor choice, dont fit accessory’s and generally people like two dimensional or classic faces way more. This hurts the platform in a way as roblox said they wouldnt ruin them and look what they have done. They have been around forever and for new roblox players they now get no choice ?

No more free faces for new roblox users ? there is like 3 or less now.
This isnt good in any shape or form when the new alternatives are awful.

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I’m wearing both Hex Head and Epic Face… IIRC there was a legal issue over the face meaning Roblox couldn’t use it again… is my most prized possession getting an animable version? What about the hex/other old off-sale heads?


The faces made looked weird when she talked and she said it was cuz her voice is feminized or something dumb


where was this shared? did they talk about this before?

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They didn’t remove them, they are just “dynamically equipping” the “replacement” face and head for your “automatically detected” avatar type.

If you do not want to equip the head, unequip it.

Ah yes, I love misogynistic Roblox accessories

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