We’re updating Heads!

Not this “too confusing for new players” @#$& again. The reason why we are so upset isn’t because we think that adding new dynamic heads removes the “blocky aesthetic,” and it isn’t because the heads are somehow bad, it’s because Roblox is depriving us of the opportunity to purchase new classic faces.


Yeah. They are forcing us to get rid of any nostalgia or anything for the old game. If a kid played in 2 years there would be nothing from the 2016 Roblox left.


The difference between roblox making bad decisions in past is that they reversed the changes or just didn’t make them mandatory, this is being made mandatory. You could wear either r6 or r15, blocky or 3.0 or even rthro, but now that is being gated in lew of a new head system no one wants. This directly appeals to the shareholders as it takes the site out of being called “lego game” and makes their investment more “modern”. Even if this decision wasn’t fueled by money or stock prices, it is still being pushed by incompetent devs that don’t understand the climate of the community that they are designing for.


Before going any further I’d like to reiterate that my comments here are directed at Roblox’s incompetent product managers who are deciding on the course of action here, not the staff member who has communicated it.

Seeing as I haven’t left my thoughts on this yet, I felt now was the time to do so after what is quite frankly an inadequate, unhelpful response that just pushes the corporate line on the issue further. People do not want and have not asked for these changes to be made and I think it’s appalling that Roblox is taking the same approach it did with the audio privacy update in blatantly ignoring community concerns.

Why? No really, why? What possible explanation is there for doing this? Considering that “classic” Face and Head items are separated into completely different categories in the catalog, the reasoning of wanting to avoid potential clutter in the catalog is outright invalid.

There is simply no reason to take classic Face and Head items offsale other than attempting to force adoption amongst your community of a feature where other pre-existing feedback (e.g. on improving the characteristics of the dynamic heads) has already been ignored.

Putting up a brick wall and refusing to listen to the people who make your platform what it is is never a good idea, less so when you’re already forcefully updating existing outfits which have to be manually rolled back by users.

NO, NO, NO. Let’s not spread blatant falsehoods here. I’m afraid that what you are doing by placing existing classic Face and Head items offsale is limiting player expression and reducing the ability for your users to “power imagination”, as per your company’s own motto. This update is still very much not acceptable. Trying to bury and hide away a technology which will technically still be supported by virtue of the offsale items anyway is (to put it “bluntly” as Sorcus would say) pathetic.

It is time to stop ploughing on with this against your community’s wishes and reconsider.

If you’re so committed to the “classic look” of your “early avatars”, why are the avatars of accounts across the platform, old and new, being forcefully “upgraded”? It should, at all times, be up to the player and the player alone (other than where items have been moderated) to determine the look of their avatar. Just this afternoon I had to spend half an hour going through various accounts to reinstate their desired appearances. This should not be necessary. Proceeding to start rolling out a forced upgrade (as seen previously with Erik Cassel’s avatar being updated despite his death 10 years ago…) and then announcing it later on, is also simply unacceptable.

Let me get this straight - your “upgrade” is to an incomplete, unfinished feature and meanwhile you’re carrying out a forced rollout onto existing avatar outfits and placing existing heads and faces offsale? Cancel it, go outside, touch grass, and listen to people. It’ll do you some good.

After recent reporting of what appears to be multiple different data breaches of Roblox Developer Conference attendees between 2017-2020, I think I speak for many in saying that this feels like a bit of a sick joke that glosses over these events happening. Roblox clearly does not take its users’ privacy seriously and I would encourage users to remove as much PII (Personally Identifiable Information) from their accounts as possible, including things such as phone numbers.

Hold on. You’re actually going to forcefully replace Limited/LimitedU items that people purchased under completely different pretences? This alone is going to substantially devalue items that people already own. Nobody asked for this. Nobody wants this. If you start replacing items that are already in people’s inventories that are tradeable, they will drop substantially in value and people will irretrievably lose value on their items. This is abhorrent.

Some time ago, I recall Roblox stating that they wanted to address community concerns over the rollout of their platform’s updates. However, with this “upgrade”, they appear to have catapulted into doing the literal opposite. This is appalling and cannot be allowed to stand, and as I remember stating for another update, managerial heads must and should roll for this. These disasters need to stop happening if Roblox is to survive.


Before reading this reply, please note that this is not directed toward the staff member that is communicating this to us. This is directed to the extemely incompetent “investors” that have come up with this absolutely heinous idea.

The thing is, we dont NEED more. ROBLOX has already had enough of its fair and share adding things that people DONT WANT. We can already make extremely customizable and unique avatars with what we are already given. UGC Creators amplify this even more by creating their own creations. Theres no need to bloat even more features into the game that nobody approves.

You say you aren’t removing The classic ROBLOX Faces that you guys know everyone loves, However you take them OFFSALE? What’s the point of taking something off-sale you guys KNOW people love and enjoy? Then again, you guys even mention that when you’re done adding these new heads NOBODY WANTS, you’ll be taking away all of these faces you KNOW people enjoy?

This even further contradicts the point that you’re Not removing anything. You guys are removing probably one of the most iconic things Roblox has had. You’re forcing these onto players when most of the ROBLOX Community DOESN’T want these new hats.

You honestly could’ve at least spent more time polishing and optimizing it instead of rushing it. People have already pointed out how unoptimized and unpolished these heads actually are. If you’re gonna force an update, at least make it optimized.


Then why did you take 17 faces offsale (including :], braces and know it all grin), and upload 12 dynamic heads. Why did you take an extra 5 faces that currently do not have a replacement offsale? What is the point of that?


But everybody is complaining and saying to not do this?? I get that you guys want your “perfect metaverse” crap. I don’t care. Just please stop replacing the classic faces in favor of that crap. I dont want it and nobody else does. And hey, if somebody does, let them do it, but do not force everybody into it.


Surely a better option would be to leave the static faces on sale alongside the dynamic heads. That way you could definitively see which way causes more players ‘love their avatar’

It seems that me that Roblox is telling people what they should like instead of letting them choose on their own.


Welp, lets do it again people.

I would understand a lack of concern over this point if roblox was actually putting an effort into keeping the original designs of the faces constant, but that isn’t what’s happened/happening. These faces do not work with most roblox accessories or even any ugc accessories, deeming them useless unless you would like to be bald. From someone who would like to work in game development when I’m old enough, it’s genuinely appalling that you would release an update in such a terrible state, alongside the terrible notice. How ever much you say that you’re doing this for the community, we know that you are lying through you’re teeth. Take a page out of Old-School RuneScapes book and poll these things before development gets this far and you wont have to ship unfinished product.

If you really cared about self expression, you would leave a “legacy” mode for faces after they get updated which keeps the decal variant as an option for those who want something that actually functions with the rest of roblox’s marketplace

Again, the update shouldn’t have been shipped in this abysmally unfinished state

I highly doubt that will happen soon enough or in a usable fashion.

A jump from mere cents to dollars per face is a obvious cash grab and disgraceful to see, if someone simply wants a the cheaper original version, why should they buy a useless animated one that costs way more if they’ll never use it?

Welp another gut punch to traders. If this update is taken without the aformentioned “legacy” mode, mark my words, all limited faces will drop after being broken from this update. A good example of this can be seen with the hocky mask limited, its texture was changed and it imminently experienced a 20k robux drop from 30k to around just 10k. Imagine all limited faces, some more coveted than a simple halloween mask, dropping at staggering rates

If you truly hear our concerns you would heed our warnings and put this update back on the shelf, or include a “legacy” mode for all changed faces and decrease the idiotic prices

Edit: To add to this, me and others also have concerns on how this is going to be massive bloat in any sanely made game, as honestly when are you really looking at the players head. The only games that I’ve seen do this, already have graphical requirements much higher than roblox (these games being, GTA5, Gmod or VRChat), and have the added advantage of being installed locally rather than sourcing from a cloud, meaning they can actually viably do this without nuking your personal computer. Ironically these games don’t even use an idiotically intensive system of tracking the users face (exception for vrc, though it is very optional), and just use voice level tracking.


This doesn’t seem to be the case, as many of the faces recently taken offsale do NOT have a counterpart yet (for example, Check It and whistle). Will faces be taken offsale let say a couple days to a week before the new counterpart is uploaded? Or will the face be replaced at the same time? If it’s the latter, which I hope, please put many of the faces you took offsale back onsale until a counterpart has been uploaded.

Personally, if I was calling the shots, I would bundle the 3D and 2D variants of faces into one, so that every user can experience either face without having to own it before the 2D variant is taken offsale.

This isn’t a good idea. A very large reason as to why 3D clothing isnt nearly as common as 2D is the price, if you are a Roblox user only purchasing 1-5 dollars worth of Robux, it is MUCH cheaper to simply purchase 2D clothing and 2D faces. And it’s still bull that previously free faces (Chill Face) will now cost 120 Robux or more. It’s not good for joining users. Please offer these faces based off of free faces for… well… free, and since faces will cost more, please offer a wider variety of free faces. Maybe extremely popular and originally cheap faces like Freckles can live a new life as a free animated face?


People want the option to choose between dynamic and classic faces


Roblox Management, have you ever heard the phrase “Just because you can doesn’t mean you should”? Because that describes your decisions lately to a T.


Why does ROBLOX think it is acceptable to ship out incomplete updates, especially ones that remove a feature and don’t provide a proper solution? After the audio update we were told that we would have a revamped audio system (its been a year). After the classic oof sound was removed, we were told that we could repurchase it in a brand new “creator marketplace”. Its been a year and hasn’t happened yet. And now the corporation forcefully converts classic, beloved, (and functional) faces into more expensive bootlegs that barely resemble the original. It’s obvious this feature is far from being properly polished, so why force the Roblox community to accept such a subpar update?


This. Another example is My Feed, a feature that used to be useful but aged and was castrated at every turn for over a decade until its inevitable removal a year ago. They said they would explore replacements, and yet its been a year, and none of the EXTREMELY OBVIOUS replacement ideas have been implemented…


Please keep classic faces onsale


Also you do realize that some people, aesthetically speaking, prefer a simple flat image instead of an uncanny three dimensional thing with ###### up geometry for faces right? Jesus christ how hard is it to give people the option to pick either. WE DON’T WANT REPLACEMENTS. WE WANT A CHOICE.


My fellow ROBLOXian what part of “MAJORITY OF ROBLOXIANS DO NOT WANT THIS CHANGE” does the incompetent directors and investors NOT understand ?

The heads do not FIT most if not all the UGC accessories.

The faces are UGLY and make my avatar look pretty creepy.

It honestly seems like these heads were ripped from a knock off ROBLOX competitor.

Hecc even brick hill of all websites have faithful/inspired faces on their catalog that look better than this IMHO.

And yet this is the response ???

This is pretty much the worst and I mean the worst ROBLOX change I have ever seen in my near 15 years of being on this website, guest player multiple accounts and settling as a dev later I have never seen a change so stupid like this.

P.S this is directly aimed at the company not you sergeant we understand you are just doing your job but holy smokes.

By the way sergeant you should get a cold drink since you are probably going to witness one hell of a response from the community.


yeah this aint it as everyone else has been saying make this an option and not something required that we have to deal with because most devs are just going to have classic heads anyways one way or another, this just doesn’t seem like the best idea personally


Completely agree with the last part of this post. Nobody purchased / traded for Limited faces expecting this to happen, and If I’m understanding this post correctly, the original classic version of limited faces are not going to be available and instead will be entirely replaced with their animated counterparts. This is going to absolutely destroy the value of a lot of the limited faces on the catalog.

There are a lot of people who will not like the change to an animated face and trade it off for much lower than their current values / sell them for low. Adding animation isn’t going to increase the value of limited faces, it’s going to absolutely nuke it into oblivion. Especially if the majority of the owners dislike the animated face that ends up replacing it for looking too different. An example of this would be Eyes of Crimsonwrath.

Take this animated face that Roblox has been working on of Sinister for example. The eyes are really small, the mouth is really small, and in general it looks very different to the original version. Now consider that Eyes of Crimsonwrath is this face but with red eyes. It’s undeniable that these are two entirely different faces and owners of the original are going to be disappointed, me being one of them. It doesn’t matter if you can change the positioning of accessories. Most owners of this item aren’t going to be wearing shades with it, the face itself being fundamentally different (worse) automatically lowers its value.

If Roblox wants to force this onto us, they should at least let Limited face owners wear the original versions too like it appears they may be doing with the non Limited faces. At least that way the people who want to wear the original still can.



I and many others don’t really appreciate how Roblox handles community opinions.

When a reply to the original post about the update has (way) less likes then a reply to it stating the update is bad; then clearly something was done wrong.

Anyone on the Roblox staff team can clearly scroll through this thread at a glance and see that the majority of the complaints are about the off sale faces.

You say you’re not forcing this update, but what about all the new players? They essentially are locked away from thousands of customization options once this update is complete. Due to the fact the new animated faces don’t fit a lot of use cases at the moment. Not to mention some of the faces look a lot different then the original.

Why wouldn’t you leave all the faces up and have even more customization options? This isn’t confusing either, because the classic faces and animated heads are clearly labeled differently.

This just seems like another forced change pushed under the claim that it’s an improvement to the platform, when it isn’t.