We’re updating Heads!

Ok, but one personally worry i have (that i dont see many other people have) is the fact that this sort of tech (along with many other roblox features) end up being dead weight on quite a few games. Those features will take valuable memory and system resources while never being used at all for absolutely anything yet were forced to still have them active and inside the engine regardless. Not sure about you but an default empty baseplate using anywhere around 600-900 mb of ram isn’t exactly great. I’m all up for those technologies or whatever but would appreciate if you guys took a more modular approach to those things rather than just force everyone to use those features as useless dead weight most of the time.


Nobody wants this. What will it take for you people to understand this? Do not remove the old faces, they are the identity of this platform that the company so clearly wants to destroy.

See this is the issue with publicly traded companies. They pander to their shareholders, instead of caring about their community. And their shareholders don’t care about what the community want, they care about what will make them money. In this case, I have no idea how this will even appeal to shareholders anyway. Other than “Hey look! We’re recording people’s faces and doing facial tracking”, as if that’s impressive nowadays.
It looks awful.


nobody wants this? this isn’t “empowering avatars” or “empowering expression.” if anything this is hindering how players express themselves. really disappointed in how choices like these are made and forced upon everyone.


#NoForcedUpdates, #ForcedToQuitRoblox (Get those trending on social media)

So basically let me understand this correctly here @Roblox

-It does however in fact AFFECT faces newer players will be able to obtain. Meaning;
if a newer player joins the game they will not be allowed to have this feature, THIS CORE feature, thats always been around. new players wont have the OPTION to express themselves. This also does HUGE damage to the UGC catalog as most of those items were made fit for classic roblox heads not these newer ones. So you are literally SPITTING on all the UGC creators especially when newer robloxians cannot use any of the catalog to fit these newer JUNK modelled heads. You are disrespecting a HUGE part of the community along with developers with this FORCED update.

Like i literally said above. HOW are players EMPOWERED when they are being limited to which items they can get from the catalog, NONE of the UGC items fit these heads. the ONLY thing thats being empowered is your WALLETS. maybe even perhaps your EGO.

Thats amazing that its “Totally up to us” if we dont want to enable our camera. because the reality is if you tried to force access to everyones camera’s your company would be under fire from nearly every news station in the world. Not really sure what your point was here. You said and i quote here
“Video from your camera never leaves your device” INTERESTING considering how much data is breached and stolen all the time across the globe. INCLUDING YOURSELVES here is a screenshot of that.


YOU literally didnt answer your OWN QUESTION. Unless you expect ANYONE to believe that you guys “set a benchmark” UGC CREATORS SET THEIR OWN PRICE. Not roblox. so this BENCHMARK talk is absolutely RIDICULIOUS.

I suggest the majority of the platform STAND YOUR GROUNDS ON THIS. And not be apart of the community any further. They want self-destruction let them have it. Go onto social media and get this coverage everywhere. #NoForcedUpdates & #ForcedToQuitRoblox


#NoForcedUpdates, #ForcedToQuitRoblox


Hm, okay, let’s keep going.

Good, let’s keep going…

And this right here is where you contradict yourself with every statement you have just made above.

Why are you taking them off sale if you want people to express themselves in an "authentic and “natural” way? Just why?

This is exactly why most people don’t want it

You are just destroying more of roblox’s history by blocking users from buying the “classic” faces, then force us to use uncanny, unfitting (in my opinion) hideous faces that don’t align with the accessories we have today.

It is very unsettling and incredibly annoying to see you guys trample around on your userbase that clearly does not want this, and you guys just act like everything is fine, and post a cheap response thinking it will quiet us down.

I hope you guys reconsider this, and stop giving us lazy excuses as to why you are doing what you are doing.

You guys need to experience something like meta did, and realize what a terrible mistake you have done with this update, even worse than the audio update.

#NoForcedUpdates, #ForcedToQuitRoblox


I’m glad to hear this explanation, but your words are contradictory , you said, “we are committed to all avatar styles” it’s nice to hear that, but making old faces off-sale does not fit this promise of yours. i like 3d faces, but when we make 2d faces off-sale, we are forcibly switching to 3d faces. can 3d faces and 2d faces remain on sale in the catalog? there is no reason to make 2d faces off-sale. 2d and 3d faces can live together in the catalog. If you do not go back from this decision and continue to make such decisions. You kill your platform yourself. I have no hope, but I hope you will listen to the community this time.


I’d like to thank Roblox for responding, but…

This clearly contradicts the visions you’re claiming, just like when you “temporarily” disabled audio sharing. Can you really not afford the ability to fulfill your idea of giving players “more” ways to express themselves?


I do not appreciate this approach of creating problems and then solving them much later down the line. It feels like dynamic heads have been rushed without any consideration for ensuring that they are just as good as their classic equivalent. The ability to change the shape of heads needs to be done before you consider removing legacy content from the marketplace.

As a UGC Creator, it is important for me to have my accessories in a reasonable position without requiring the player to change their positions. With this change to the looks of faces, I have to either position my accessories for the millions of users wearing classic faces now, or the small amount of users who are wearing dynamic faces now. This isn’t even to mention all of the accessories fitted for the classic default face for the last decade. It is great to have the ability for players to position accessories how they want them, but this is once again creating a problem before offering a solution.

If you MUST remove the classic faces from the marketplace, why not offer them included with the dynamic head bundles? Our main concern is these classic faces will no longer be available for new players to purchase. Allowing players to wear the classic 2D version of the dynamic faces they purchase would only benefit the player.

The last time we heard about users in the UGC Program being able to make animated bodies and heads, you mentioned that the price floor will be free. This is because “we believe that a base body that represents you is something every Robloxian should have.” Has this since changed? Why is the benchmark for the price of animated heads so high, if the price floor is so low?


This hilariously does not answer the question. Why leave only ‘one option’? Especially when the forced option is… so much worse?? Visually and artistically its so… uncanny, and undesired.
Drawn decal faces have so much more potential, as people have already shown with their UGC Face-hats.

Ya’ll are taking way too many liberties on the assumption that people are okay with “At least you still have your old faces! :DDD”, as if this doesn’t hurt newer players and any kind of newer uploaded assets are just gonna be undesired.

So will UGC Creators not option to upload proper Faces? at all? Because if you actively look at the state of the catalog, and the sheer amount of “Face” items, I think its safe to say UGC Creators would much rather prefer that instead.

Also the skill level required for animated heads totally puts UGC creators who are artists, not modelers under the bus.


Simple but effective solution: classic faces return back to the catalog, animated heads are here to stay.

While we are on the topic of avatars, give players more outfit slots.


Bundle idea is great!

I’ve been on roblox since 2018, and I don’t have most of the off-sale faces. i didn’t buy it because I always thought I could buy it, I wish I had, the idea that faces could be off-sale never occurred to me.


For limited faces, is there going to be an option to revert back to the original classic one?

We should be able to get both the animated face version and still face version in one go without taking the classic head faces offsale


Roblox will probably die soon if they continue doing this, and most famous games seem to be dying. Like Adopt Me, PSX, some popular FPS games and others.

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The fact that classic faces are offsale now is outrageous; now if my main account ever gets banned for whatever reason, my only choice is to use an animated face, and to be honest, I might rather quit Roblox than wear one.

Classic faces are so embedded in Roblox’s culture and history, it’s honestly depressing to see them be ripped away from us with no warning. I’m now regretting not getting some of the faces that are now offsale; I would’ve bought as many as I could if I knew they’d be taken off.

I agree that creating a problem that doesn’t yet have a solution is a really inefficient way of doing things. For example, if you want to play a game, but the game developer makes it unplayable because “they’re working on a better version that won’t be released for a while”, that’s not very efficient. In an ideal scenario, they could just leave the existing game up until that better version is available. It’s really a strange and twisted way of doing things if you take faces offsale while we have to wait until these new animated faces are even a viable option, and to be honest, while they might be fun for 10 minutes, animated faces will quickly get old.

While I understand that animated faces are practically candy to investors, to the community itself they’re the opposite. I wouldn’t be so opposed to animated faces if they weren’t being forced onto us, but unfortunately, the option of having a decal face is quickly being taken away, and it makes the introduction of animated faces all the more sour.

I agree with this idea; if there’s any way this could be a possibility, then by all means I think it should be possible.

In conclusion, there are a plethora of better ways to go about the introduction of animated faces, but taking away our culture and forcing them onto us is not one.


Man if they really does that, it’ll mark the end for them… Sad thing I wasn’t active on Roblox during its prime time in 2012 till 2021…

It has been some time since I opened this thread back up and properly read through the post.

I am quite happy to see a lot of my concerns around this update addressed, and it has given me a lot more of an understanding of what actually is going on versus the perceived threat I made it out to be.

Some of my points still stand, I believe that more community involvement and communication is necessary for future updates. Thankfully, that’s what Roblox appears to be heading to.

Issues such as different facial appearances and generally forcing animation are not as big of a deal as I had figured. I mean, now we just learned that we’ll be able to adjust accessory locations upon our character. That’s an update that would benefit plenty of people.

I’ll admit, some of the faces do not look as good as I’d hoped, but that only is because I am not used to these new looks. And while I am a great advocate for holding onto the classic look, I find it hard to really have much issue anymore with this topic, given what I now know.

I thank the team for listening to our concerns and responding to them. That is exactly what I love to see.

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Imagine they make limited faces like “Super Super Happy Smile” and sell this garbage for price it has now :skull::skull:


Nice one Roblox, your platform is literally all about powering imagination, where is the imagination at when you forcefully take a part of history from the users and the community as a whole and switch it out for unneeded and uncanny looking faces. Nothing about this is gonna make people express themselves and have more communicative additions while talking to their friends.

You are not committed at all. All it takes is a few clicks of a button to put these classic faces back on sale, you are not committed by saying that you are gonna keep “blocky” avatars while also taking away what made blocky avatars so iconic, the unique faces. Do you really think someone will ever want to use 1.0 with these new dynamic heads which by the way don’t even fit most accessories and looks uncanny when paired with the 1.0 body type?

I’m sorry but this is just not gonna go the way you are hoping it will. All you are doing is trying to push your metaverse garbage on us, like anyone is actually gonna take the metaverse serious anymore? (looking at Mark Zuckerberg’s failed 22 billion dollar metaverse)

Instead of actually caring about the community who make up your platform and the wide variety of users who have made Roblox what it is today, you push this trash onto our face to look good for investors. Making this company public was a horrible mistake and i hope you know that you trying to age up the platform, will not work, nobody will take Roblox seriously looking like some metaverse rip off with these ugly dynamic heads. I hope your stock crashes and nobody invests anymore. This is a platform about having fun, about community, about family and friends ABOUT PLAYING GAMES not about making money off people who know nothing about the platform. Stop making bad decisions and put your collective mind’s at Roblox at use for once.

Ever since 2018/2019 and now, all this new stuff you have introduced to the platform has almost all IF not all has been a massive failure, and very badly received by the player-base. I hate the direction this platform is going and I’m all for it crashing all down in the end.


You clearly didn’t as I will get on later on that you just sit there and lie, you dont give one single bit.

Why ? What benefit does this have, This is the most braincellless move ive ever seen and honestly this is just stupid, are you joking ? this feels like one. You Dont listen to anyone’s response and give us a shameful awful response, this is an embarrassment and no one likes this. Classic faces gave people more ways to customize and you just keep removing all of the good roblox features to replace with your awful metaverse visions for your investors with your IPO already halfed.
Classic faces cant be replaced and took offsale, its stupid and unfair as people like classic faces, people dont want to be forced to use some awful dynamic head that no one likes
Your forcing this on your users already unfinished and your removing blocky in the process but your to caught up to realize to the point where this response is just rude to us.

This is so selfish to the point I’m lost for words, what about new players or players who dont own them
Shame on you, This is so selfish, horrible and shows how out of touch you really are with feedback,
Take some constructive critics instead of pushing it to the side like you always do with some response that makes no sense.

This is an all time low, no wonder people quit this forsaken trainwreck of a platform, wait i mean metaverse. Give up roblox this is trash.

Whoever wrote this clearly hasn’t played roblox for more than a week, THIS IS STUPID, infact this feels so bad that its cringeworthy. This is so stupid and these dynamic heads will lose value and faces will be valueless,