We’re updating Heads!

How exactly can this be done?


I thought you guys didn’t want to force people to use your new shiny tech

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We uh… don’t even really know if that will be possible at all. Since the authenticity of the video supporting that idea is currently debated, we’ll have to wait and see what happens. Maybe if Roblox decides to listen for once they’ll implement that option anyways. In fact, they could turn that into a feature in Studio, allowing developers to always choose the 2d version of the user’s face if it’s required for their game to work properly. That would pretty much fix most people’s problems with this.

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Continuing the discussion from We’re updating Heads!:

read the continued discussion on how to do so

if everyone is using guns instead of swords, and it’s a sword fight, removing swords altogether and combining guns with swords is what this is

still 2d faces are available, ALL 2d faces, don’t see your point

eggman is correct, however in studio that may not come out, there is no evidence or announcements that it is, the update has to be released first for that to happen, as shown in the video above you will be able to switch from 3D to 2D, so on R6 it would work, and I mean the face may appear as :confused: on R6 however with this update you should be able to edit your face so if its the super super happy face that appears as :confused: you should be able to customize it so it looks happy

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I don’t wanna be forced to wear one of these hideous, soulless creatures that you call faces. These are creepy, and if you think this is the direction that Roblox should be going, you should have a serious discussion with whoever approved this, and/or thought this was a good idea.


But then it wouldn’t be a sword fight anymore

We still don’t have any official info about that AFAIK, and they are taking them offsale so…

My point is we have asked for a lot of features and Roblox made a lot of promises for years, but now instead of working on that they do a feature nobody/<1% of Roblox players asked for

What did you say?
I would like to see a reusable source from where you got this

No, they don’t. You’re basing this on a 2021 concept video that’s being shared around by people who unfortunately don’t realise that it’s from 2 years ago and has no bearing on the current state of the update.

Again, how does this relate in any way to assets that are created by and sold by the official Roblox account?


At this point you’re blatantly misleading people. The 2D faces are NOT bundled with the 3D ones.


803 versus 269. Get ya act together. Listening to feedback isn’t promising something, it is commiting to it. That is something y’all have failed to time and time again, and you expect us to believe that you’re going to implement our feedback? One sour apple ruins it all, and that is why we are frustrated. We want solutions now, not in years from now.


Did not get the feature. Sad times.

I really wonder how they’ll make the roblox logo blink??? This is why leaving both versions onsale would solve so many issues…


Well clearly this company loves to focus on the issues and solve them beforehand. Just look at how I’m able to use a 2D face to speak to others!

What a joke.


why not keep the damn classics faces onsale? you should have a choice if you want to wear it or not, i dont hate this update but i hate how its literally being forced on you. if you allow us to have a choice to wear rthro or not then why not with the faces? you literally have a whole god damn classic faces option which would probably be useless by sometime.

EDIT: learned that you can toggle it off when the update comes :]


I take back everything I said, the new dynamic heads are soulless and are just staring right into it
Next, can we have live body movement (camera) so we can make BeatSaber for PC if you guys are gonna make dynamic heads move?

Also, let 13> users be able to express themselfs. They have to have an email, though. Using emotes are too limited and most of them are garbage.


It happened several times that infos were leaked. For example people knew that Roblox VC was coming like 2 years before it actually arrived.

Thats a valid argument I agree on.

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I didn’t know about that, well I find it hard to believe a company would allow certain things like this to happen, but it’s Roblox so…

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A lot of people are concerned about the faces being “forced” upon them. The option to wear classic faces will still be an option.


The option to buy them isn’t, which is what people are (by and large) complaining about. Removing the ability to purchase them is the first step towards forcing them, which people do not want to see and are in no hurry for.


I can only imagine regardless of what Roblox tries to do so that limited faces"heads" keep there value, the community will naturally lose interest and they will sharply lose value. It may take a while before they regain traction.


I really don’t know why they did that. If people who previously owned the faces can still use them, why can’t new ones? I think they’re trying to roll it out to as many players as possible so that the community can adjust to them. All they need to do is improve on their quality.