We’re updating Heads!

Today these were made public and replaced the original versions.
They’re definitely better than they were, but I’m still not sold.


The funny thing is, there are so many awesome features (new R6 animations, improved voxel lighting, GUI background blur) that got cancelled or rejected because they “caused too much lag”, but then they go ahead and implement entirely mesh-based faces with tonnes of moving parts and polygons that will reduce performance on both the server and client.


Well, we don’t have to deal with that. Let’s stick to Compatibility, make custom character controllers, disable avatar customization, and use the neon workaround for UI blur.

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Okay. Now my saved costumes are getting forcefully updated. I’m starting to get really tired of this. Roblox, please, for the love of all that is holy, just stop. Some people are using the dynamic faces, but let those who don’t use the classic ones. This is getting ridiculous.


There should also be a feature that allows users to revert to an older version (like Stevie Standard V1)


I don’t dislike this update but I (Perhaps even most people) only have one HUGE problem that ruins this update for me (or us) completely, and a minor problem
The HUGE problem is the fact that the Classic Roblox Faces are being put off-sale, and aren’t obtainable as of right now, All most of us here want is to bring back the classics and make them obtainable to everyone including future players.
I also like to argue that by deleting Classic faces, expression is being Prevented.

Perhaps sell them Seperatley (more profit)
Or bundle them up with the styles, (simpler)
That is the only thing I (And Most likely nearly everyone else) wants, we want to still be able to obtain THE classic faces
If that is done this update would be a great one

The second problem is that the “Styles” force head shapes

I am also worried that our problems are not going to be addressed and fixed.

EDIT: I see there is apparently gonna be the ability to change between 2D and 3D faces
I am worried that the 2D faces are not going to be THE CLASSIC ONES (Because it doesn’t seem to be directly stated that they are gonna be THE CLASSIC ONES), But if they are, it would be preferable and much more simpler (for you and us) if Classic faces were simply bundled up with the Styles
EDIT 2 AND 3: Some Grammar Fixes, and adding onto EDIT


They claim you will be able to change between 2D and 3D, but if you think about it, those 2D Faces most likely won’t be the CLASSIC as it wasn’t directly stated, If only I could upvote you thousands of times


Yes, They are still there, but they aren’t obtainable for Future Players,
I wanted to buy the Know-It-All Grin (The Classic Face), But I can’t, because it off-sale, and I doubt they will bring it on sale or bundle it with the Styles
And they said you will be able to change between 2D and 3D Faces, but they never directly stated the 2D face would be the classic one, and if it was, wouldn’t it just be easier to bundle it with the style as a Classic Face.


That too! Maybe have that system as well as having movable facial features, and you got yourself a unique avatar head!

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I’m also seeing various reuploads of the original 2022 Stevie Standard head.

However, I see that all reuploads so far have that “forced smile” just like V2 and V3.

Original 2022 version:

UGC from this bundle:

Even though I’m fine with the current version below which resembles the classic smile, I still wish the original was still around.



But I’m not fine with this:
Joyful Smile Old
Joyful Smile New
I honestly like the old one for Joyful Smile

Ok, so this is only an idea but it would be cool if Roblox make an option like man head but with different faces


If they didn’t remove the others no one would want to use dynamic heads, except people that are green to roblox


This would be how to Fix the Roblox update (Included Items), and its a very simple fix.


Im gonna start Flexing my 1 robux pending :sob::sob:


I want to add here this to the survey . Roblox conducted its own survey and stated that, developers don’t like dynamic faces. I don’t understand why Roblox is conducting a survey that they won’t take into account.



Yeah, they could have done that, before they put a classic face offsale.

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That’s not the issue, the issue is the fact that Roblox is making 3D faces become the replacement of 2D faces when they don’t have to be. I don’t understand why make 2D faces unobtainable if you can literally just add it as an included item to 3D faces. Roblox is giving us the 3D face free if we already had the 2D face purchased. So why can’t it be the other way around too, if you buy the 3D face you get the 2D one as well.


You bring up a VERY good point. You’re basically proving Roblox clearly doesn’t care what we have to say. Even their update/response post was basically “Yeah we hear you, but we don’t care.”

They just explained to us exactly what we’re angry about and told us how its their “vision” as an excuse. It’s clear they haven’t read any of our responses or even cared for the backlash. The ironic thing is they have an easy and simple solution of just putting 2D faces under the included items section of the 3D animated head counterpart. This would make everyone happy. There is no way they have not thought of this solution, its clear their intention is to have 3D animated heads replace 2D faces. At least the Roblox official ones.

I want to give Roblox the benefit of the doubt, but recently they have been on a terrible track record. I wish Roblox would focus on more important things, things they have been neglecting for YEARS at this point. But instead they’re wasting their development time on stuff we literally told them we don’t care about or want. It really sucks the direction Roblox is taking right now.


Despite this, they still continued on with the update. This in itself proves how much Roblox “considers” their community.


what the hell is that.

i dont like how that looks
trollers will eat good