We’re updating Heads!

  • Why did they change the old faces?
    They wanted avatars to show feelings, so they changed old faces to new ones that can move. But don’t worry, the faces you like are still there.

  • Why did they make this change?
    They wanted avatars to look more realistic and show feelings by moving their faces. They thought this would be a cool change. It isnt fyi.

  • Will avatars still look the same?
    Yes, they’ll still look familiar, but now their faces can also move.

  • Can I use the old face again?
    Yes, you can still use the old faces if you want. They’re also working on making new faces look more like the old ones.

  • What if I can’t find the new face that matches my old one?
    If you had a face that didn’t move, you’ll find the new moving face in a different location. Sometimes the names might be different, but they’re fixing that.

  • Will fantasy avatars get the new faces too?
    Yes, all avatars, including fantasy ones, will get the new moving faces!

  • Is my face video stored somewhere?
    No, they care about your privacy. Your camera videos go away as soon as they’re used to match your face.

  • Can I use my camera for the moving face?
    Yes, if you want to, you can make your avatar’s face move with your camera. But you don’t have to if you don’t want to.

  • Why do some of the new faces look a bit different?
    When they added the ability to move, they needed to make some changes. They’re trying to make the faces match better in the future.

  • Why don’t the new faces fit things like hats well?
    Because of how the faces move, they might not fit things like hats perfectly. But they’re working on fixing that, so don’t worry.

  • Why do the new faces sometimes cost more?
    They want to make sure the people in ugc who make the new faces in the future get the right value for their hard work.

  • Will limited faces change too?
    Yes. Theyll keep their serials though.


oh boy, i hope they dont put the original faces they animated offsale!

wait a second.

for real though, why would they put them offsale?


To “promote” how realistic the cam get. :hot_face:Roblox.


Because they know there’s no other way to force people to use them, lol.
I very much doubt their real reason is minimizing confusion, because having it’s own category was more than enough.


Hey! I tried looking for these updated versions on some admin accounts I’ve been following, but couldn’t find any! Which admin accounts have you checked to get all these?

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Ok thank you for testing and apologies for the continued log noise. We have been investigating and I’ll reply with an update as soon as we have one.


Makes sense.

This update is bad, and them making the original faces they animated offsale was not needed.

There’s a bunch of different accounts but FACEGURU is one of them

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I don’t really understand any of the stuff you linked here. Can you please explain to me what all this is?

It’s a list of bundle outfits, mostly dynamic head outfits. You can use a json viewer extension to make the page readable.

In studio, you can get a HumanoidDescription from an outfit with Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromOutfitId(), and then load the HumanoidDescription on a character.

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Okay. Thanks for the help! I decided to use the updated “:-o” face for it, but it seems that I currently have some issues with applying the mood animations for them. How can I make them have one like you showed with the other heads? All I have is the default neutral one.

If you have the mood correctly applied on your avatar’s current HumanoidDescription then it should play automatically, but for my usage, I needed the moods to play on server-side NPCs, so I just manually loaded the raw animation asset of the mood on the rigs instead.

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I don’t entirely hate the dynamic face update, well dynamic face is awesome BUT why does roblox want to take off sale the classic face?


I checked the HumanoidDescription and the mood animation for it was correctly applied but for some very odd reason, when using this as a custom StarterCharacter, the id for it keeps getting replaced with the default mood animation. I don’t know why it does that.

Edit: Never mind, I figured it out. For some reason, I had to put the HumanoidDescription script into the StarterCharacter scripts, but the animations for it are now working properly now!

(no hate) but i don’t think it is a great idea and the normal face is off market now


I’m not sure if this has been mentioned already. But the problem of 2D faces being taken off sale and replaced with dynamic heads has a simple easy solution. Just add the classic 2D face to the included items section of the animated counterpart. So when a user purchases the dynamic head they also receive the 2D face. This simple and easy leaving everyone happy. I genuinely do not understand why this wasn’t done from the beginning. Unless Roblox you are doing this on purpose to forcefully shove this new feature down our throats. :upside_down_face:

This is probably the easiest as well as most likely resolution to this, rather than completely getting rid and replacing classic 2D faces which were on sale.


You know, starting to look at this Roblox should genuinely add a feature where you’re able to move around the facial features, kinda like how you’re able to move around stuff on Nintendo’s Mii character system.

Because I really do not like the “new” squiggle mouth dynamic head. It was the only one I liked out of the 20 they released and now it just looks off.

Having the option to move around the characteristics of the dynamic head (the eyes and mouth) would allow users to customize their avatar in a whole new way and it would genuinely fix the problem with proportions and having the creepy look they have now.


i feel like this is my fault


if someone uploads that to roblox i’ll scream
where are the eyebrows


Default mood faces mainly lose eyebrows…