We’re updating Heads!

well damn.
a-atleast stare isnt offsale yet, right?

It’s not. Don’t fret! They haven’t taken it offsale.
If they take Silly Fun offsale, I will scream. It’s our only free face that isn’t Rthro!

Oh thank god.


nah austion and ephorize trying to start this again

i feared for when they’d hit :3 with the dynamification beam because i knew theyd mess it up somehow. i would have appreciated it if they opted for something that looked less realistic in a way considering :3 is, well, you know, an emoticon.

aside from this, im surprised no one brought up how poorly -_- turned out.


the tongue & teeth arent even colored. why is the tongue gray while the teeth are skin colored? that’s not even including the fact that they blink with their eyes closed for some reason. and the heads are, still, positioned higher up on the torso. and they’re still taking 2D faces offsale despite the overflowing pushback.

i have a lot of 2D faces in my inventory already but all this has been doing is making me feel bad for users that prefer the 2D variants but will have no way to acquire them. i would have been much more content if roblox had just put more care and effort into making these look presentable and unique to their userbase. these do not look presentable in their current state. they all recycle the exact same “mood” preset with a few aspects tweaked. they hadnt bothered to even use different presets for more cartoony/unrealistic faces. i dont understand why roblox is stubborn about this.


I have a feeling Roblox isn’t taking their time making these animated faces. They most likely have a list of all the faces they’re making, and scratching off whatever classic faces remain. They also fail to realize that not every face looks good animated. If you take a look at a few faces, such as this one, you can see the flaw in Roblox’s idea.

I can see how it can be animated. I can’t see how it would look good animated.

And as for your points about the “-_-” face, I have a feeling this glitch may have affected other faces, but we don’t know because of how many people didn’t bother to screenshot them wearing the faces, and every face, regardless if their eyes are closed or not, will still blink. Someone showcased this with “Know-It-All Grin” above I believe. On top of that, they had to alter a few faces in the making of heads (in particular the ones with askew mouth positioning) because the Mood feature simply isn’t flexible enough.

The classic and animated versions of “Finn McCool”. Notice a different mouth shape for both variants.

Roblox doesn’t really care if the faces look good. They just want to roll out this update so that way “everyone has an avatar that can AcCuRaTeLy express themselves.” (which is really just a deceptive way of saying “We’re gonna build the metaverse if it’s the last thing we ever do!”)


yes i feel the same way! there’s a lot of faces that are better left as a static image. you dont have to make everything animated, and i say this even as someone who has done animations off and on for 10 years!

i dont understand why they cant just disable the blinking for certain faces? and i dont understand the point of “accurately” expressing oneself when the faces are low quality. if they’re low quality, it wont be accurate expression. some faces are meant to be unrealistic and would look botched with a realistic dynamic animatable head. like the emoticon faces for example…

i understand roblox has been trying to add realism to their product for over a decade now but they’re trying to add realism to things that are not meant to be realistic. hence why the majority of it looks uncanny and offputting.


Roblox also altered the new Joyous Surprise Head.

The eyes are now higher up compared to when it first came out.


An issue I’ve noticed with animated heads:

They blink quite a fair bit. Actually they blink like every second, which is unrealistically fast.

Other than that, I must say, I was pretty pleasantly surprised with the animated Skeptic face.

My main issue with these is that they’re being actively pushed onto the player base, I’m gonna have to remake every single one of my costumes because they all got automatically updated.

The only thing I would change would be the aforementioned keyboard faces, do they have to open their mouths at all?

We’ve all been crapping on Roblox for this, which is fair, I guess, but we probably should acknowledge the effort that goes into them.

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The blinking is caused by the idle animation, which animates the eyes to blink. Since the idle animation loops every second, it causes the head to blink way more than anyone should ever be blinking.


There’s an animated version of “Skeptic”?

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Yes, a new batch released a few days ago. It includes at least 14 new heads, with more not found.

I’m fully aware of that. I just wasn’t aware there was an animated version of Skeptic.

And I just found out they took the Suspicious face offsale! For a brief period of time, you could have purchased both the head AND the face.


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CALLED IT! I knew “Stare” would go offsale!

Noooooooo! Not Stare! Just not Hmmm… my heart cannot handle that indignity!

Then again, “Stare” is still on-sale, at least for me

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they seem to give it a couple of days [maybe a week] before offsaling the 2D counterpart.

also while i dont have the dynamic skeptic head, a few of my friends do. and they really dont look similar at all.
image image

instead i’d argue that the dynamic version is actually Skeptic’s cousin, “Smirk”.

also why does the dynamic :3 head look like it was done with dry erase marker when you switch to R6?

unless roblox goes back and refines these heads, i really dont think theyre trying. feels more like theyre pushing for quantity over quality which is proving to be a very… odd… decision.

22m post edit: why is the dynamic mouth visible just under the :3 mouth?! come on.



EESH. That’s what Skeptic looks like? Can’t imagine how they’re gonna screw up “Stare” or “:D”

At least they haven’t touched “Silly Fun” yet. I’m going to go crazy if they did.

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