We’re updating Heads!

Ok, real talk

Why must they make faces that don’t need to have open mouths… open their mouths? Really, it just kills the magic of some faces such as

  • every keyboard face in existence
  • stitchface (I mean, if it looks bad, less people will use it)
  • many more I can’t remember
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I had a few looks at the faces and OH BOY were the mood thumbnails cursed

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They even made my favorite face :3 have a freaking muscrap


sinister isn’t sinister.
Roar looks like you watched a movie and freaked out
so funny looks like you attempted to open your mouth as high as possible


But hey people can cosplay as generic pizzeria owners with the :3 face


you thought the mood thumbnails were bad?

this is the “:D” head with no MoodAnimation applied to it.

He looks like “I Hate Noobs” just saw something so jawdropping he didnt bother dropping his jaw


Looks like the :| face

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You can just barely see a gap there

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theres probably like 4 pixels in the gaps

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nah a more proper guess would be… about 10.

still not a lot tho

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Disbelief still looks pretty good though
If anything, the expression they were going for was actually amplified somewhat.


now disbelief looks like someone when they lose fortnite tbh-

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Now “It’s Go Time!”, on the other hand, is a different story.
The eyes kinda look a bit off to me but it’s otherwise okay

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They have also appeared to rename “Smiling Girl” to “Stay Positive”.

Do any of you like the name change?

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I honestly couldn’t care less about the name changes of any of these faces

But alas, here comes a poll

What’s your general opinion on the new names of some of these faces?

  • They’re better
  • They’re worse
  • Couldn’t care less

0 voters

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I was more concerned about the mouth, but it’s actually closer than I thought

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Now supposedly, there’s an animated variant of “Award-Winning Smile”, as shown here, which is a face you can obtain at the 8th Annual Bloxy Awards.
The funny thing is, I couldn’t find it when I filtered the catalog to show off-sale items. My guess is that Roblox has not fully released this yet?

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It only appears if you have the item.