We’ve Rebuilt Sponsored Games!

People are currently fighting to break down those gender rules that society created because they obviously problematic. However, by just using those rules, you are now part of the problem. By having that option for sponsoring, Roblox is actively siding with society’s gender rules. The reason why I’m deeply upset about that part of the otherwise amazing change is because it’s a step in the wrong direction. Stereotypes are wrong for a reason and embracing them is even worse.


Normalizing stereotypes is wrong and seeing it as okay is part of the problem for why they are so problematic in first place. Stereotyping of any kind is wrong, regardless of where it was done and used.


The game dev market is incredibly competitive, especially on Roblox. It is crucial for success that all resources are best allocated, especially with marketing. Gender targeting is a sad fact of business, but it allows some games to ensure that they don’t waste resources advertising to a market that are statistically unlikely to play their game.


I’m not entirely sure that you understand my point. My point is that there shouldn’t be stereotyping against specific genders at all because it’s a stereotype. It’s simply not true at all. In regards to this system, you are paying a specific amount of robux to have you game listed as an advertisement. If that advertisement is shown to everyone, regardless of their gender, you won’t lose nor gain any robux at all when compared to a specific gender. By saying that it provides an advantage, then you are implying that a gender is more likely to spend money on a game. For example, let’s assume that I made an FPS and designed it to mainly be played by 14 year olds. It makes more sense to market the game to people that play FPS (and potentially new players) that are within the desired age range. You don’t gain anything at all by marketing it specifically to males or specifically to females.


I got an error saying that the total budget does not match daily spend and number of days scheduled, but the total ammount is auto determined by roblox?

Can anyone help with sorting this issue?


Same issue here I have no idea how to fix it

This is really cool, especially the options to pick what genders and ages we want to target our games at - and I absolutely love the new analytics for checking CPP. Another option I’d like to see is genre catagorisation data - the ability to target our ads at players who are recommended alot of action games or RPG games etc.

I do believe that Roblox collects enough data for genre catagorization since it already is able to reccomend games to players depending on their play-history.

I also believe that a feature to be able to show specific game-icons in the future depending on gender or age - as it’s a proven advertising standard that certian types of gender statistically in the large percentile of people (obviously certain stereotypes are not 100% accurate) have basic fundamental interests due to social upbringing.

I’d love to see an overhaul of the basic advertisement system with CPP mainly - this would be great for not only discouraging clickbait advertisements (as people believe CTR being high means people are actually not just clicking the ad then not playing the game), but also providing insight into how many people actually play my game depending on the advertisement.

But overall, I love this update.


What about the sponsored games before the updated version? Because I sponsored my game and my 24h wasn’t done, the update just published for me and I just realized that is there any solution for that? My friend told me that I should get my robux back but I am not sure if that is the case, any help?

Overall great update!

Edit: Never mind it’s still running in the old sponsored games ads :sweat_smile:

This will make marketing way more easier, efficient and profitable.

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I think people are missing the point here. Certain genders may play certain games, but only because of stereotypes they’ve been brought up with. I know to some people it may seem pedantic and fussy but it’s really not. We need to drop the gender part! Apart from that, great update


Whether gender-specific interests come from socialisation is irrelevant. I get that some people will have a moral objection to this approach and it should definitely be possible to not target by gender but to remove an objectively useful feature on the basis of subjective morality / political opinion is absurd.

If we want to change gender stereotypes, forcing gender-neutral marketing on Roblox developers is not the place to start. We can’t simply be blind to the fact that, since boys and girls do have different interests (regardless of why that is), this would improve the experience for a majority of players while simultaneously improving the effectiveness of advertising.

Great update, hope to see more targeted approaches in the future!


I’m quite happy with the option to target based on genre. Having been in war groups for several years now, and as many people would know, it is probably like 90-95% guys in them. If you were able to target ads only at guys, then it would probably increase the effectiveness.


Gender is a good statistic and it’s not immoral. Different genders like different things and it makes no sense to not take advantage of that. Whether or not that is because of cultural pressures or expectations is irrelevant. The fact is, different genders like different things and it would be foolish to not take advantage of it. If you want to miss out on money gained from that then be my guest no one is forcing you to target your ads


It’s not just because of stereotypes, (biological) males and females are just different, whether we like it or not.
Male and female brains work differently, we produce different amounts of hormones even our body is different.

Ofcourse most things are likely influenced by the upbringing and societal norms but there will still be differences in interests between genders regardless.


Kinda disagree with you on this one, I think dress-up games are gender neutral. I see tons of boys including myself playing Design It!, sometimes there’s more boys than girls on the server.

The games that generally contrast military games, to appeal to girls, are the ones about fairies and princesses.

Sigh, this is depressing. I get that gender and age targeting is good for marketing, it’s just sad Roblox will choose marketing over ethics. Roblox should be trying to break the walls of discrimination, not make them higher.

Other than that, cool update.

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At the end of the day there is no rule saying one must enter their biological gender nor even their correct one, what users choose to enter is entirely their feee will and if you choose to utilise that data it is the choice of the developer and if people choose to give that data then the are accepting the fact we as developers will use that data and they can act as they wish when inputting it. At the end of the day we as developers can choose if we wish to stereotype and take that risk or not and it is not the fault of the service.

If you don’t wish to stereotype simply sponsor for both genders, but being realistic it is not economically viable to do so


Personally, I’d prefer if the individual developer was in control of this choice. As @LuaBearyGood has stated, we have the option of sponsoring for each gender or if you don’t want to stereotype you can just sponsor for both genders.

Statistically a majority of users on our game (based off of discord role choices) choose male or female as their pronouns, with 1.5k choosing she/her and 500 choosing he/him. And our community has a huge NB audience, with 710 people choosing they/them as their pronouns.

Until a majority of people, ideally more, are supportive of removing gender as a construct, I don’t really see the point of this argument about gender. Roblox as a platform has to provide the choice to the individual developer, and there will be people who disagree with the idea that gender should not be a category that is used in statistics who develop major games on roblox.

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Really awesome feature but you’ve got a 'lil typo on the page :wink:


Interesting debate on the gender parameter going on here, there’s definitely a concern that stereotypically ‘girly’ games will be targeted towards girls and vice-versa for boys which would mean those who have put their gender will be just shown games that are stereotypically assigned to their gender, further enforcing and encouraging kids to stick to those stereotypes.

It’s definitely a great marketing tool, but perhaps a good replacement would instead be based on some basic interests of the user? Such as this user generally likes to play roleplay games, FPS games, RPGs, simulators etc. This would mean it’s up to the user what their interests are, and they only see sponsors that are relevant to them. This could also be beneficial for niche genres as it makes them a lot more viable as a profitable game - those developers would no longer be competing against huge games and advertising to huge numbers of users who aren’t interested in their content. Really interesting discussion and a hard one to resolve, I personally don’t blame Roblox here at all, and I know they’ll make the right changes from what the community has fed back in the coming months. Overall an amazing feature and for certain a step in the right direction.