We need professional AI coder who can make complicated AI system for our robots.
If you have skills and want to join, please send request to our company’s email shroomushstudios@gmail.com and tell following:
- Tell us about yourself.
- Why should we choose you?
- A sample (In video format).
- How much Robux would you like for your work?
- Would you like your name in the credits? (The game has ending credits, and your name will appear in two sections: 1. Scripters, 2. Special Thanks.)
We will be paying in Robux, and the payment will be made once the game generates enough revenue for us to process the payment through our Group.
We will select only one person for this role, and the deadline is one week, as time is limited and we need AI asap. If you want to check out the game, you can view it here (though it is not yet playable):