We Should Be Able To Search In More Than One Category At Once

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As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to find a topic I need help with, but the answer may be in more than one category, for example, I want to know how to make a typewriter effect, I would search in:

But, to do this currently I would need to search before in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support, then another time in #resources:community-tutorials, and then another time in #resources:community-resources, I would have to search 3 times for the same thing in 3 different categories

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I would be able to search the same topic over more than one category at once, thus saving time

Suggested Solution:
To the category selection thingie add an option to search in more than one category


I agree.

I believe that this is a feature that Discourse would need to implement rather than Roblox trying to implement this into the DevForum themselves. I recommend making a feature request in https://meta.discourse.org for this.


Okay, I’ll make one there if I can

You can already do this. To search a specific subcategory, type out the subcategory. To search multiple categories, place multiple categories into your search prompt.

The automated way doesn’t have that, you can search only one thing
It searches only for the first, I just tried it