Weapon doesnt animate right on viewmodel

In the animation editor the weapon is animated to be held in the viewodels arms however when the animation is played in game, it is displayed incorrectly and just flys off. Any help is apreciated

The code for it if needed

Have you checked if, apart from the Motor6D, there are any other welds attached to the same part? I had a similar issue, and that turned out to be the problem.

Another possible cause could be that the part or another part related to the weapon has Anchored or CanCollide enabled. This might be indirectly affecting the behavior and causing the issue.

You can also try swapping the Part0 and Part1 properties in the Motor6D to see if that fixes the issue.

These steps can help you debug the error and pinpoint the exact cause.

Did any of these things help you?

not currently, changing the Part0 and Part1 properties caused it to not play the animation on the weapon, and everything except the viewmodel’s primary part are unanchored and uncollidable

And did you check that you don’t have any welds with the part other than the Motor6D?

Mhm, in game these are the only welds and Motor6Ds


I have found a fix, in the workspace i have moved the sword to be in the same position as the primary viewmodel part so when it is cloned in game, they are in the same postions and i wont have to edit them at all

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