Weapon Kit - Map Update

Use code BYESUMMER for a free Sand Crate! These will no longer be available soon!
Thanks to all those that helped test the update! :clap:

-New weapon animations and sounds
-Added new items: B1GZ4P Sniper, Deagle Pistol, Coil Gun, Claws Melee, Kunai Equipment
-Added new maps: Metro, Outpost, High-Rise (Classic also available in VIP servers only)
-Added leaderboards

-Better daily rewards (You can now earn Gold!)
-Improved first person viewmodel

-Jumping with a ranged weapon now has a cooldown (you can still bunny hop with melees)
-KOs now only show this round’s KOs (check the leaderboards to see all-time)
-Weapon damage now drops after a certain range (but bullets no longer de-spawn mid-air)
-Character packages are no longer supported
-New setting to disable controller shake for XBOX players

-Buffed some melees to give faster walk speed
-Buffed RLB, Medkit
-Shotgun has been replaced by Scattergun
-Renamed some weapons (Old Rifle β†’ Garand; Uzi β†’ Micro Uzi)

-Fixed issues related to the Rocket Launcher
-Bug fixes