I’m trying to make a weapon system with the new feature Proximity Prompt. Basically when you walk up to the weapon, and press E the tool will clone into your backpack. When you inventory is full, you can walk up to another weapon, equip the tool you would like to swap it with and press E. It works the first time and it clones the weapon on the floor into your inventory and removes your old weapon and puts it back on the floor. But when you press E again on the same tool which you just had, it puts the tool in your backpack back on the floor but doesn’t give you the tool back. Here’s a video of what I mean: robloxapp-20210111-2113390.wmv - Google Drive
Here’s my script, it’s quite long so I only kept in the important parts. (this is a ServerScript btw)
local weapons = game.ServerStorage.Weapons
local weaponsChildren = weapons:GetChildren()
local weaponsAmount = #weaponsChildren
local spawns = game.Workspace.WeaponSpawns
local pickUpDebounce = true
local function replaceTool(oldToolHandle, newToolHandle, name, spawnLoc, player)
if pickUpDebounce == true then pickUpDebounce = false
if weapons:FindFirstChild(newToolHandle.Name) then
player.Character.Humanoid:UnequipTools() -- Unequips tools
game.Debris:AddItem(player.Backpack:FindFirstChild(name), 0) -- Destroys old tool in backpack
local clone = weapons[newToolHandle.Name]:Clone()
clone.Parent = player.Backpack -- gives player new tool
game.Debris:AddItem(newToolHandle, 0) -- destroys old gun on the floor
-- Set OldTool
local oldToolRandomY = math.random(-180, 180) -- makes new gun on the floor
oldToolHandle.CFrame = spawnLoc.CFrame
oldToolHandle.Orientation = Vector3.new(-90, oldToolRandomY, 0)
oldToolHandle.Anchored = true
oldToolHandle.Name = name
oldToolHandle.Parent = spawnLoc
local prompt = spawnLoc:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")
prompt.Enabled = true
prompt.ObjectText = name
pickUpDebounce = true
local function spawnWeapons()
for index, spawnLoc in pairs(spawns:GetChildren()) do
if not spawnLoc:FindFirstChildOfClass("UnionOperation") then
local randomTool = weaponsChildren[math.random(1, weaponsAmount)] -- picks a random weapon to spawn
local weapon = randomTool:FindFirstChild("Handle"):Clone()
local randomY = math.random(-180, 180)
weapon.CFrame = spawnLoc.CFrame
weapon.Orientation = Vector3.new(-90, randomY, 0)
weapon.Anchored = true
weapon.Name = randomTool.Name
weapon.Parent = spawnLoc -- puts weapon handle in the spawn locatin
local prompt = spawnLoc:FindFirstChild("ProximityPrompt")
prompt.Enabled = true
prompt.ObjectText = randomTool.Name -- proximity prompt stuff
-- Pick Up, this is where i believe is the issues
local debounce = true
prompt.Triggered:Connect(function(player) -- prompt triggered
if debounce == true then debounce = false
local backpack = player.Backpack
local backpackChildren = backpack:GetChildren()
local items = #backpackChildren
local oldServerWeapon
for index, serverWeapon in pairs(weaponsChildren) do -- checks if player has weapon equipped
if player.Character:FindFirstChild(serverWeapon.Name) then
oldServerWeapon = player.Character:FindFirstChild(serverWeapon.Name)
if oldServerWeapon then -- if the player has a tool equipped
local oldToolHandle = weapons:FindFirstChild(oldServerWeapon.Name).Handle:Clone()
local newToolHandle = weapon
replaceTool(oldToolHandle, newToolHandle, oldServerWeapon.Name, spawnLoc, player)
debounce = true
else --if they dont have a tool equipped
if items == 0 or items == 1 then -- check if they have inventory space
if weapons:FindFirstChild(weapon.Name) then -- clones the tool and puts it in the backpack
local toolClone = weapons[weapon.Name]:Clone()
toolClone.Parent = backpack
items = #backpackChildren
prompt.Enabled = false
game.Debris:AddItem(weapon, 0)
debounce = true
debounce = true
Let me know if you need anymore information