Weapon sway like Games Unite

im trying to achieve weapon sway like Games Unite (video below) but im not very good at doing this kind of stuff. I have tried searching for solutions on the devforum and doing it myself but i couldnt find a solution that achieves this exact effect.

External Media

if this isnt clear enough, i can provide more information as to what i want to achieve if needed.

I believe you’d need to create an animation and play it while the player is walking/running.

Well what all have you made so far, do you even have anything setup

yes, i have the framework set up pretty much. im using a spring module for the current sway. i can send the script over, but its not finished in its current state as i was trying out different things.

no, im talking about the way the gun rotates when you “spin” your camera

It isn’t clear in your video which affect you’re looking for but anything that involves “making the gun move” while the player/camera moves is likely going to be done with animation. There may be other ways to do it e.g. scripting tweens on the model(s) but I’d probably explore the animation route first.

my bad, i shouldve made the video more clear. i will look into using animations if i cant find other options

I’ve actually done this before.

They way I have it set up is ClientGun is the main Gun script
The “SetGunPosition” modules runs through each of it’s modules and calculates it’s CFrame offset
They all get added together at the end to set the gun’s final position.
For the gun swaying, I set an offset in “SetGunPosition.Rotation” module

Here’s how it looks in the explorer:

Here is the “Rotation” module’s code

local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local LerpFactor = .2
local StickFactor = 10
local MaxRot = 80
local Dampening = .5
local LastCF = CFrame.new()

local function ToRad(Number:number)
	return math.rad(

return function(GunModel:Model,Tool:Tool,Character:Model)
	local GamepadState = UIS:GetGamepadState(Enum.UserInputType.Gamepad1)
	local ThumbstickRotation = GamepadState[18].Position * StickFactor
	local Delta = Vector2.new(-ThumbstickRotation.X,ThumbstickRotation.Y) -UIS:GetMouseDelta()
	local Offset = LastCF:Lerp(
		CFrame.Angles(ToRad(Delta.Y),ToRad(Delta.X),0),--use my gamepad delta to generate the angle
		LerpFactor--use lerp to only go a percentage of that angle and not the whole thing
	LastCF = Offset--unused
	return Offset--return this offset for the main script to add together with all the rest

I also have offsets for sprinting, firing, etc but I’m sure you can figure out all that stuff


ill try this and get back to you if i cant figure it out. thanks!

thank you so much, that worked really well! ill mark this as the solution.

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