Hi everyone.
I have a problem with the weapon system, when you reload, the magazine goes to your hand, this is animated by a Motor6d. It was working fine in the Tool, but for reasons I needed to take the folder out of the player and put the weapon in the workspace.
Here is what should be:
But it’s just teleporting to the final position.
Script creating the Motor6D
local Mag = Instance.new("Motor6D")
Mag.Name = "Mag"
Mag.Parent = Tool_Model.Handle
Mag.Part0 = Tool_Model.Handle
Mag.C0 = W_Data.CFrame_Positions.Mag.C0
Mag.C1 = W_Data.CFrame_Positions.Mag.C1
Module with Positions
Mag = {
C0 = CFrame.new(-0.544433594, -0.262207031, -0.580078125, -1, -9.9816802e-14, 1.42108547e-14,
9.9816802e-14, 1, 1.42367468e-14, 1.42108547e-14, -1.42367468e-14, -1),
C1 = CFrame.new()
I use the same positions to create the mag, and works fine. The mag isnt going to the player hand, just teleporting to where the initial mag is.
Scripiting Reloading
R_Events.Reload.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Data)
if is_registred(Player, Data) then
local Weapon = is_Equipped(Player, Data)
if Weapon then
local W_Data = require(Data.Tool.config)
if not is_Equipped(Player, Data) then return end
Weapon.MainMag.Transparency = 1
local New = Weapon.MainMag:Clone()
New.Transparency = 0
New.Parent = Weapon
New.Name = "FallMag"
game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(New, 4)
if not is_Equipped(Player, Data) then return end
local Mag = Weapon.MainMag:Clone()
Mag.Parent = Weapon
Mag.Name = "Mag"
Weapon.Handle.Mag.Part1 = Mag
Weapon.Handle.Mag.Part0 = Weapon.Handle
Weapon.Handle.Mag.Enabled = true
Mag.Transparency = 0
There are no errors or anyting, it’s just not going to players hand, but it’s going to final position. The animation is going ok, but motor6d is not “getting animated”