Today i made a rig with a katana and a sheath, exported it to roblox and combined the weapons with an r6ik rig from moon animator server. My issue is that now when i export the animation back to roblox, the katana has a weird offset that just breaks the animation
Did you put the sword and character from rstudio into the blender at 0,0,0 posisition or did you manually connect the sword to the hand in the blender?
character and sword are at 0,3,0 in rstudio, with motor6ds, and in blender i rebuilt the rig, only kept the katana and sheath, and pasted it to animate alongside the r6ik rig, now im trying to export the sword and sheath into separate animations and combine trough moon animator
think i found the problem, the sword actually moves within the animation in blender, instead of just rotating, which overlaps the movement of the character, which makes it look offset, dont know how to fix it though
start the animation from the beginning , try to change the position of the bones from the hand to the sword maybe it will work ,I don’t use blender for animation :v
Solved by looking at the process from start to end, and the problem was in blender, i used a bone constraint instead of an object constraint, and if you hadnt told me to look at it from the beginning, i wouldnt have found the problem, thanks