Weapons Kit - Camera problem

Hi, I am creating a new game and for the weapons I am using Roblox Weapons Kit.

For lobby screen I am using a Scriptable camera type with the camera set to a part position. The problem is when I player spawns it changes the camera for all players even when they don’t have any weapons equipped (I am giving a weapon to player on spawn).

I have looked at the weapon system scripts but cannot seem to find the problem. Also I looked on the forums and didn’t find any topic with the similar problem. Hope someone can help me or point me in a direction of where should I look for the cause of the problem.

Also here is a video of a problem occurring:

EDIT: I fixed the camera problem with loading the character after player joins the game but the crosshair still shows up on the screen

Send the code of where you add the weapons.

EquipToolEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, weapon)
	weapon:Clone().Parent = player.Character

I think the problem is not equipping because the other player does not have any weapons in his inventory or backpack

Do you fire this event on every client?

No, just the one that’s getting in the game. Here is the full script from where it’s called.

-- services
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst")
local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")
local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local LocalPlayer = Players.LocalPlayer
local WeaponsFolder = ReplicatedStorage.Weapons

local Object = require(ReplicatedStorage.Objects.Object)
local Config = require(ReplicatedStorage.Config)

local require = require(ReplicatedStorage.Nevermore)
local Maid = require("Maid")

local UnequpiAllToolsEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.UnequipAllTools
local EquipToolEvent = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.EquipTool
local GetWeaponAndShipDataFunction = ReplicatedStorage.Remotes.GetWeaponAndShipData

local weaponTable = {
	[1] = "Unarmed";
	[2] = "Primary";
	[3] = "Secondary";
	[4] = "Tertiary";

local WeaponSelectController = Object:extend()

function WeaponSelectController:init(frame)
	self.maid = Maid.new()
	self.button = frame.ImageButton
	self.selectedWeapon = 1
	self.running = true

function WeaponSelectController:Start()
	self.running = true
	local owned, equipped = GetWeaponAndShipDataFunction:InvokeServer()

	self.weapons = {
		Primary = equipped["Primary"] ~= "" and WeaponsFolder[equipped["Primary"]] or nil;
		Secondary = equipped["Secondary"] ~= "" and WeaponsFolder[equipped["Secondary"]] or nil;
		Tertiary = equipped["Gamepasses"] ~= "" and WeaponsFolder[equipped["Gamepasses"]] or nil;

function WeaponSelectController:Stop()
	self.running = true
	if self.maid then self.maid:DoCleaning() end

function WeaponSelectController:ChangeWeapon(position)
	if not self.running then return end
	local weaponType = nil
	if position == "Next" then 
		weaponType = weaponTable[self.selectedWeapon + 1 <= #weaponTable and self.selectedWeapon + 1 or 0]
		weaponType = position
	if self.weapons[weaponType] then 
		local weapon = self.weapons[weaponType]

		self.selectedWeapon = table.find(weaponTable, weaponType)

		self.button.WeaponImage.Image = Config.Assets.Gui.HUD.WeaponSelect.WeaponImages[weapon.Name]
		self.button.WeaponName.Text = weapon.Name
		self.button.WeaponType.Text = string.upper(weaponTable[self.selectedWeapon]).." WEAPON"
	elseif position == "Next" and weaponType ~= "Unarmed" then
		self.selectedWeapon = self.selectedWeapon + 1 <= #weaponTable and self.selectedWeapon + 1 or 0
	elseif table.find(weaponTable, weaponType) then
		self.selectedWeapon = table.find(weaponTable, weaponType)

		self.button.WeaponImage.Image = Config.Assets.Gui.HUD.WeaponSelect.WeaponImages.Unarmed
		self.button.WeaponName.Text = weaponTable[self.selectedWeapon]..(self.selectedWeapon ~= 0 and " WEAPON" or "")
		self.button.WeaponType.Text = "WEAPON SELECTOR"

return WeaponSelectController

Its called in the ChangeWeapon function