I wanna know how would i make a script that would get a certain accessory and then let the player wear it ive already tried something like this
print('player clicked')
local insertService = game:GetService('InsertService')
local accsesory = insertService:LoadAsset(fifthAssetId).Parent = player
this puts the accessory in the players character though its not actually wearing it
Get the model by using LoadAsset, extract the Accessory then AddAccessory to the player’s Humanoid, like this:
local theAccessoryID = 12770588685
local insertService = game:GetService('InsertService')
script.Parent:WaitForChild("ClickDetector").MouseClick:Connect(function(plr) -- lets say this is a part in workspace with this script in it and a ClickDetector to work as a button
print('player clicked')
local model = insertService:LoadAsset(theAccessoryID) -- get the model
local Accessory = model:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Accessory") -- extract the accessory
plr.Character.Humanoid:AddAccessory(Accessory) -- add the accessory to the player
model:Destroy() -- clear the previous loaded model