Wear the VIP Morph, and Send a Message ( please answer soon as possible)

I’m currently working on a game and need a VIP Morph script for the game pass. The purchase script is already written, but I still need instructions. If the player has the game pass, an image button is visible on a frame in the screengui (the frame is called: inventory). If the player clicks on the image button, a certain bundle, certain (classic) clothing, accessory and equipment is put on (all items are from the original roblox catalog, which means they have an ID). Two messages also need to be sent (one message in the roblox chat that says: [the player] wears the VIP outfit. The second message can receive parts, which means that when the outfit is put on, a message is sent to a billboardgui that shows where to go [I’ve already created the billboardgui]). I would be happy if someone could explain this to me, thanks and have a nice day :grin:

( If i make this Post in the wrong category, please Tell me what i do wrong, i don’t know much about Post Category’s :disappointed_relieved: )

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