Weather / Time System

I made an advanced time and weather generation and forecasting system for my upcoming life simulator - Towny! Any feedback would be appreciated.

:mantelpiece_clock: Time System

:sun_with_face: Day/Night Cycle

  • Customizable duration of time
  • Ability to change, pause, resume, fast forward, and reverse time

:seedling: Seasons

  • Seasonal changes for weather conditions
  • Groundhog day prediction for extended winter

:full_moon: Celestial Bodies

  • 8 moon phases and lunar cycle tracking

  • Astronomical events (equinoxes, solstices)

  • New Moon | Waxing Crescent | First Quarter | Waxing Gibbous
    Full Moon | Waning Gibbous | Last Quarter | Waning Crescent

:spiral_calendar: Calendar

  • New Year’s Day | Groundhog Day | Lunar New Year | Valentine’s Day
    St. Patrick’s Day | April Fool’s Day | Mother’s Day | Father’s Day
    Independence Day | Labor Day | Halloween | Thanksgiving
    Christmas Eve | Christmas | New Year’s Eve

:sun_behind_rain_cloud: Weather System

:bar_chart: Weather Forecasts

  • 7-day forecast with hourly predictions

:sunny: Weather Types

  • Weather particles, sounds, and conditions dependent on weather type

  • Sunny | Partly Cloudy | Cloudy | Overcast | Foggy
    Drizzle | Rainy | Heavy Rain | Thunderstorm
    Snowy | Blizzard | Hail | Sandstorm

:wind_face: Weather Conditions

  • Temperature | Feels Like | Wind Speed | Wind Direction | Wind Gusts
    Humidity | Pressure | Visibility | Cloud Cover | UV Index | Air Quality

:warning: Weather Alerts

  • Alerts for extreme weather conditions

  • Storm Warning | Severe Weather | Flood Warning | Wind Advisory
    Heat Warning | Freeze Warning | Air Quality Warning | UV Warning
    Strong Wind Gust Warning | Extreme Cold Warning | Extreme Heat Warning
    Low Visibility Warning

:earth_africa: Regional Patterns

  • Weather pattern generation changes depending on region
  • Temperate | Tropical | Desert | Polar | Mountain | Coastal

This weather/time system looks EXTREMELY GOOD! It’s unique and cool! Great job on it! How long did it take to create this system? I rate it 10/10!

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the gui is so gorgeous omg. the animations are mad clean too!!

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Your game looks too good! This is incredible!

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I worked on a prototype for about a week before ending up with this finished product.

Thank you all for the compliments!