Web API to get "Roblox Premium" status of authenticated user

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to get the Premium status of the authenticated user, which means I can’t use this information in custom third-party tools I create to show user data.

I was digging around the apis and some off them still show the OBC / TBC / BC Features, Is this supposed to be like this or not? For example: https://www.roblox.com/my/profile returns {"BC":false,"TBC":false,"OBC":false}. Although they show as false, has this just a not been taken out yet and replaced with Premium?

I personally use the API I linked above to get data for the authenticated user on my discord bot, since there is no API for Premium, the users of the bot can’t use the full bot, as I have some BC Tiers Commands that i was waiting to convert to Premium.

Old Whois of an old bot that used this api:

This is what I want it to look like, which I need an API for to get premium status:


I think the BC entries should be removed from the web APIs, and a new endpoint should be made that lets us get the premium status of a user.


I believe this does exactly what you’re looking for: https://premiumfeatures.roblox.com/docs#!/PremiumFeaturesUsers/get_v1_users_userId_validate_membership


Didnt see that one, but i was looking one for the Authenticated User. (Like the one i linked in the post)

Use the API zlib provided and pass the UserId of the authenticated user??

Most likely i will, but the one i was using still showed the BC Tiers, so i did this post.

It seems that Roblox has removed what type of premium the user has, I can only see “true” and "false2 on the page now.
I wish Roblox would add the Membership Type as an API.

MembershipType | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub