Web Browser Recreations/Redesigns

Recently I recreated the Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers, any feedback is appreciated.


Looks awesome, bro! Google should hire you! If my dad was Google then I could get you a job, but sadly, he isn’t…

The look neat! You’re using the old Roblox logo, though :thinking:

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He just recreated the UI, this is the point lol

This is cool!!! I just want to ask, how do you put a shadow on UI’s? is it a gradient or an actual image?

Wow, you even have the sync paused in the top-right corner of the google new tab image.

I dont know what the Microsoft search engine looks like but it looks pretty cool
The google image was even better
except this part
Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 9.59.45 AM
Really looks odd because my brain is used to the normal search area.

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I agree, I made it a bit unproportionate and oversized. In future work I will attempt to make it look more pleasing to the eye.

The new one is worse, so people just use the 2018 version.

Did you make this UI in studio?

Hey! This is really cool! I don’t have a browser, but will this do?

This is GUI btw

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Obviously not, it was made in Photoshop. I’d be surprised if somebody was able to recreate this in Studio.

All the elements are way too large. Try making the image full screen, and comparing it to actual browsers.

That is insanely accurate. I see almost no difference to the original one!

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I see a huge difference

He ah… He wasn’t replying to you?

No, I thought he was replying to the original topic.