As a Roblox developer, it is hard to build efficient external tools that use group data from the Roblox website, because there is no way to know when group data on the site changes, so I have to constantly poll web API to know.
It would be a nice enhancement if the Roblox web API had an event for group member joins and leaves. For example, if you wanted to have advanced analytics for a group, you don’t have to check manually or spam the API to get the group member count.
It would be really nice if we had an event or hook to attach to and it would return the player’s UserId and maybe even provide if the user was exiled for whenever a group member leaves, as well as another event or hook that returns a player’s UserId whenever a group member joins.
A personal use case for me would be the ability to keep stats on my website and have alerts when the group is losing members. One potential feature I wrote above would be a boolean exiled
would be useful if I wanted to get notified when many users are being exiled and I can prevent potential admin abuse.
If Roblox would be able to address this, we can track group member count changes easily and we can keep track of analytics for groups.