Hello there. As you may have noticed from the “WEB” highlight, this question regards the Roblox website rather than the engine itself, so it will not be about Lua but rather JavaScript and possibly HTML + CSS.
That being said, to sum the whole question up, I want to make a game carousel container on the Roblox website with custom games.
I want my container to be exactly like the Roblox one and function just like the Roblox one. This container will include games, but the games it includes will be custom (they will be the same as the other ones, but different order). Now, I know that each container structure looks like this:
<div data-testid="game-carousel-games-container" class="games-list-container is-windows">
<a herf="#/link/to/sortPage"> . . . Title Stuff . . . <\a>
<div class="horizontal-scroller games-list">
<div data-testid="game-carousel-carousel-container" class="clearfix horizontal-scroll-window">
<div class="horizontally-scrollable" style="left: 0px;">
<ul class="hlist games game-cards game-tile-list">
<li class="list-item game-card game-tile" id="GAME_ID" title="GAME_TITLE"> . . Card Stuff . . . </li>
<li class="list-item game-card game-tile" id="GAME_ID" title="GAME_TITLE"> . . Card Stuff . . . </li>
<li class="list-item game-card game-tile" id="GAME_ID" title="GAME_TITLE"> . . Card Stuff . . . </li>
<li class="list-item game-card game-tile" id="GAME_ID" title="GAME_TITLE"> . . Card Stuff . . . </li>
<div data-testid="game-carousel-scroll-bar" class="scroller prev" role="button" tabindex="0"> . . . Button Stuff . . .</div>
<div data-testid="game-carousel-scroll-bar" class="scroller next" role="button" tabindex="0"> . . . Button Stuff . . .</div>
Now, in theory, I could copy the above format, change the title, and add my own card objects in order to make it work. Unfortunately, even if I did add my own objects, the cards seem to have a “default” value that they get reverted too. Also, when a card is not visible, the card object data gets reset, keeping only the class name (it looks like this: <li class="list-item game-card game-tile"><\li>
That being said, I have no idea what to do in order to make this work. Although I could use a custom carousel library such as Owl Carousel 2, it will not look or feel the same. The ideal would be if I could somehow utilize the Roblox one and instead put my cards in the game-card list.
If someone knows how I would be able to achieve this effect (or how I’d be able to modify the Roblox carousel), then that would be amazing. Thank you for your time and help, I greatly appreciate it.