Webhook chat log message

G’day. So recently I decided to add chat logs to my game, which would be shown in my discord using my Webhook I made. I acknowledged that my discord server/user could be ban/warned/kicked if I didn’t make my Webhook reduce the amount of times it fires the webhook. So I was told to try compiling the messages every couple minutes into a large pastebin file. Yet, I don’t know how, but the best I can do to make it a large Pastebin file is the following script

local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local HttpService = game:GetService(“HttpService”)

local webhook = (Webhook)

local data = {
content = msg;
username = plr.Name;
avatar_url = “http://www.roblox.com/Thumbs/Avatar.ashx?x=100&y=100&Format=Png&userId=”…plr.UserId
wait (1.5)
HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(data))

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Discord has a limit on how much you can use, so doing this isn’t necessary and you should keep it as it is. Discord has a limit of 10,000 per 10m I’m pretty sure.

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Please hide the webhook link and discord isn’t a place to do logging

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Oh alright, thank you. I didn’t know.

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Also, you should probably change your webhook URL for those who have seen it.

I believe Discord’s limit is 30 messages/minute. I wouldn’t recommend logging with Discord, especially with chatlogs.

In the end, I deleted the webhook and chat log script

Hi just off-topic with your question.

Add a filter so someone can’t say @here or @everyon.e

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Dead thread, but does anyone have a good way to do this? I can’t see to do it from Discord’s side.

What do you mean exactly? Like a good way to see roblox messages through discord?

I ended up finding a way to do it.

Nice. I don’t really need it anymore

A popular game with thousands of players can very easily reach and surpass that limit.