I want to make a fully working webhook that notifies me when a product has been purchased (In this case, a skip stage product.) I am also trying to teleport the player to the next checkpoint at the same time in the same script.
The issue is that the skip stage function is working but the webhook isn’t. I have tried to separate the functions of the webhook and the skip stage to different scripts. NONE of the scripts were working for some reason. If you have any solutions for me, I would be very grateful. (Keep in mind: I am not a good scripter. I’m basically playing in a sandbox with this script.)
This is a re-uploaded topic because the other topic is not too popular and no one else is replying right now.
A few months ago, I heard someone say that discord will no longer accept roblox webhooks and that you have to use a proxy or something. Don’t know if this is false information though.
Actually, I think I see the problem. You are using plr.Name, but ProcessReceipt doesn’t return plr. So, replace all of the plr 's with player, which you defined. (Also remove the plr from the function)