A lightweight, easy-to-use Discord webhook module
A lightweight, easy-to-use Discord webhook module
Roblox Marketplace (17547191286) • GitHub • Source (1.6 KB)
Webhooker is a module to send webhook messages to Discord easily. It's extremely lightweight and super easy to use with custom types for everything!Example
Here's an example of how you'd use webhooker to send a message with an embed:Example Code
local webhooker = require(script.Webhooker)
local types = require(script.Webhooker.types)
local webhookUrl = ""
local webhook = webhooker.new(webhookUrl)
local exampleEmbed: types.embed = {
["title"] = "Hello, world!",
["description"] = "Example embed!",
["author"] = {
["name"] = "Askaye",
["icon_url"] = "https://tr.rbxcdn.com/30DAY-AvatarHeadshot-6EA6524813D519F72492E88418026D4D-Png/150/150/AvatarHeadshot/Webp/noFilter"
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "Field 1",
["value"] = "Pitbull",
["inline"] = true
["name"] = "Field 2",
["value"] = "Harambe",
["inline"] = true
local payload: types.webhook_payload = {
["content"] = "This webhook sent!",
["username"] = "Webhooker example",
["embeds"] = {
local success, response = webhook:sendMessage(payload)
print(success, response)
This would send a message like this
Planned features
- Embed colors
- Poll support
Better documentation
Feel free to add your contributions to the GitHub!
Released under the MPL-2.0 license.