WebhookProxy | Discord webhooks go brrrrrrr

Whatever is sending that is sending something over 100KiB in size? That’s absolutely huge for a request body.

oh what the heck?!?!?!? i thought hooks.hyra.io was still alive

I literally switched to https://webhook.lewisakura.moe/ right before hooks.hyra.io shutdown (i didnt even know that its gonna shutdown)

I guess im lucky enough my projects safe now because they dont use hooks.hyra.io anymore

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Always a good idea to have redundancy backup solutions :wink:
I always make sure all my setups have at least 1 or 2 backups.

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a bit of a bump but this is currently giving 403 errors, it works in studio but not in an actual server. im not sure whats going on, but nothing is changed between studio and the server.


can bump this, returning 403 on multiple games since around 7pm cest

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Most likely roblox related.
They stated in another http thread that they are trying to track HTTP issues.

Thought it was just me! Hopefully it’s fixed soon

99% of the time its giving 403 but sometimes 1-2 posts will go through and nothing else will for multiple hours. Started around 8-9 hours ago. Could this be linked issues with Roblox releasing on PS?

Unsure honestly. But yeah same thing happens to me, very little webhooks get sent through, most just error.

Good to know that I’m not the only person having this issue, I thought I somehow screwed something up even though I hadn’t touched the script nor the actual webhook for a few weeks.

Seems to be working again, not sure what happened. It will remain a mystery for now until we get an official response.

weird, it doesn’t work for me still.

Yeah barely works, one post went through around 2 hours ago out of the 25ish that were meant to do

Now returning HTTP 503 :man_shrugging:

Just got HTTP 530, proxy service seems to be completely down now. It did work for like an hour before this.
Argo Tunnel error | webhook.lewisakura.moe | Cloudflare

Sorry that was what I meant earlier, yeah it’s completely down BUT it seems to be working for some games that use the same proxy

Can bump on the 403 errors, however they are not consistent for me. Sometimes the webhook works and sometimes it doesn’t, seems to depend on the server that roblox is using to send the request.

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I got the same weird HTTP 403 Error in regular in-game servers but not in Studio. Webhooks keep coming up as {"proxy":true,"message":"Unknown endpoint."}.

I am trying to find a solution currently.

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I can attest to this. It is very inconsistent and doesn’t work most of the time.

Just started working for me but give it a few minutes and it’ll go on and off again.

Why does it work for some people consistently but for some it doesn’t?

It seems to be a roblox issue.