NOTICE: Because of the unprecedented scale that the service is grown and a lack of funding, I can no longer guarantee the public instance will continue to function correctly 100% of the time. It would be a better idea to host your own or find another service. Sorry.
WebhookProxy is an easy-to-implement proxy for Discord webhooks. That’s pretty much all there is to say.
This service simply lets you send messages down webhooks like usual, except that it enforces ratelimits and various other things itself to prevent abuse.
If you want to use my instance of the proxy, just replace with This only supports sending, editing, and deleting messages, not reading webhook data.
I strongly recommend using a library that handles webhook data checking for you, such as Voyager by @JodeneWasTaken, as it will reduce the likelihood that you will get caught out by the anti-abuse system and you will catch issues with your webhooks earlier.
Don’t trust me? Run it yourself, or use any of the other projects available on the devforum.
Like this? You can donate to support its upkeep on Buy Me a Coffee! Please remember this is completely optional and the service will always be free to use.
Discord staff* said before the last time this happened that it was okay to make proxies, as long as you respected the ratelimits. I enforce the ratelimits on mine so it should be fine.
You don’t need to. Use guilded for game development and Discord for communication.
Thats two channels that help to seperate work life from social life.
Thanks! I don’t imagine this will be the case (considering you have to pay for it), but when Discord unblocks Roblox again, hopefully this will stay up unlike Osyris’s proxy did?
I will say currently, using instead of for your webhook link works. This might stop being the case eventually, though.
That’s the plan. If I’m ever going to take it down, I’ll give a notice a couple months prior so that people can migrate, but I see no reason to take it down if webhooks return.
The difference between my proxy and what people tend to do is that people blindly sent requests to webhooks. My proxy doesn’t permit this; it deals with ratelimiting itself so it doesn’t hit Discord if you’re out of requests.