WebhookProxy | Discord webhooks go brrrrrrr

Is there an easy way to clear all blacklisted webhooks and or IP’s and or edit how long webhooks are blacklisted for if they are rate limited?
I have tried using DB Browser for SQlite but it saves in proxy2.db.sqbpro format.

local webhook = (yourUrl)

sendFeedback.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, feedback)
	local formatted = httpService:JSONEncode({
		content = chat:FilterStringAsync(feedback, player, player);
		username = (player.Name .. ' - [' .. player.UserId .. ']');
		avatar_url = ('https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=' .. player.UserId .. '&width=420&height=420&format=png');
	httpService:PostAsync(webhook, formatted)

Discord sends the webhook normally (only within’ Studio)
But when I used your method it won’t send webhooks at all.

This is far from enough information for me to work out what’s going on. What are you getting in response? The proxy returns error reasons in case something went wrong.

Where should I check the proxy? I’m using your converter to send webhooks. Studio does not report any errors, but I used other websites and they return error 403 everytime they try to send it to Discord.

I actually think your webhook went through, but like 10 hours later.

I know a lot of webhook proxies dont allow join logs of any kind.
In my case I actually have a system that automatically rate limits them in-game. With this system in place am I safe to use this proxy for whatever kind of webhooks I desire?

I used this module I found called Voyager to setup command logs, and I thought I was in the clear since I don’t make 10 requests per second or anything crazy like that, as seen here:

Just today I got hit with a 403, so don’t use it for anything like join logs.
Honestly just make an ingame gui if you absolutely need them.


Dang thats a shame. I don’t see why we cant as long as we respect rate limits.
I use guilded for my logs currently but I would love for the option to use discord.

I wish I could find out the reason I got hit with a 403, since I was well within the limits, and see what adjustments I need to make if needed to get this back up and running. These command logs I setup are neccessary for my game and use case.

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Ik this was posted 2 years ago but whatever

How did you get it to work? If I have 3 people in my game and they are all talking it only logs 2 (sometimes only 1) the entire time until the server shuts down (and if the picked person leaves it just refuses to log the other person :skull:)

Http code 403 means forbidden, not ratelimited. Could the webhook have been deleted by mistake maybe? If not I urge you to make a issue on the Voyager github using the bug report template.

I’ve no idea what went wrong, but it seems to be working alright once again. Probably discord having issues. I’ll make a bug report if something goes awry again, thanks for the response

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Getting HTTP 403 errors from the proxy even though Lewisakura said they haven’t handed out a Cloudflare ban to me, anyone else having issues?

Works fine for me, on both Lewis’s site and my site, using the same engine.
Perhaps try with another webhook URL?
Or test your code, perhaps the code from roblox isn’t working.


Actually it turns out Discord changed how they handle requests and my API no longer works correctly. All messages return bad request.

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So when will it get a fix? Wom wompy

Fix what?
Both proxies work fine.
It was only thefeline’s own system with an API, that was failing.

Is down for us since 03.01. and still doesn’t work.

It must be a Cloudflare issue since it works here in Norway.

hi, can I know how you generate the join place url?

Discord embed field:

			name = "Join Server:",
			value = "[Join Place](https://www.roblox.com/games/start?launchData=%7B%22giftTarget%22%3A%22roblox%22%7D&placeId=" .. game.PlaceId .. "&jobId=" .. game.JobId .. ")",
			inline = true,
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