Webhooks Mod Call System not working

I tried different mod call systems from Creator Marketplace and when testing them in Roblox Player they don’t work, only in Roblox Studio, I don’t know what the problem is, I need someone to help me because I need it.


Could you provide a bit more information? Your response is a bit vague.

Possibly like code snippets, pictures, etc?

Of course! I’ve just edited it and added an image

Last time i leaked a webhook the staff server got pinged with everyone and the n word was spammed. Also pretty sure data needs to have more stuff in it.

From what I’ve heard. Any HTTP requests to Discord are ignored. You may have to use a third party application to send a message.

Oh yeah I think you should do this. Just wanted to see for a second.

Like I was saying, you should try using a third-party app’s web hook because I’m pretty sure that Discord ignores HTTP requests from Roblox for some reason.

Edit: Just get rid of the image because I can still slightly see the numbers.

Oh I think I saw a video about that, but I have no idea how to do it and I saw that in the comments of the video it said that it didn’t work.

Oh yeah! Ik why!
Discord banned Roblox. Go on hyra. https://hooks.hyra.io/
I use it.
Convert the webhook and it should work.

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Problem is that Hyra is hosted in the UK so messages might take longer to send. But other than that, Hyra seems pretty good even though I’ve never used it before.

It’s instant for me so idk.
Ea sports in the game

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BROOO TYSM!!! Works perfectly! yeyeye

Glad it works! Also you should wrap that in a pcall and have a cool down. (Post async)

Off topic, but you should really have more safety than that.

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There are other websites you can use to counteract this, though then a certain group won’t be able to do said action instantly, and so on and so forth.

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