Website Chat Shows Has New Message

This bug started occurring yesterday, ever since I added a new friend to my friends list. The tab in Chrome displays ‘(1)’, before the site name, which most of the time, indicates a new message was sent from a friend in the website chat. However, none of my recent chats have any messages sent by me or to me.



This bug seems very persistent, as refreshing the page, clearing history, and even typing or sending a single letter doesn’t make the ‘(1)’ go away.


This has actually being happening for years. It’s very annoying. Let’s hope this gets fixed.


I’ve had this too and actually have it now.
I believe it’s from Team Create chat. To resolve it you have to open any TC sessions you recently had and then click in the chat (even if you read it).


@Yemen_Rail does cloakedyoshi’s suggestion fix your issue?

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Had the same issue, caused by a TeamCreate chat that took place while I was building with that person a couple weeks ago.
I did go into TeamCreate and clicked on the chat there too, but I can’t remember if that’s what cleared the Chat notification…

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it happens to me, but it’s when you haven’t replied to a message even though you’ve seen it. for me at least.

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I always have TeamCreate chats closed because I never use it. I don’t think it would affect me now because I’ve been using TeamCreate for a long time now, and this issue hasn’t surfaced until very recently.

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