Website devforum - error 504 Gateway Timeout

For the second day, when I try to open the forum, I get a 504 error. Changing the browser or Internet provider does not solve the problem. After different times (an hour, two) you can access the forum.

Judging by the picture, the problem is on the Roblox servers.


How are you able to post the issue then??


So true. How are you posting? This is fake or you are testing us for somethingā€¦


Exactly, this makes absolutely no sense. In my personal opinion the current users with regulars are more immature than the current regular deserving users.


I wrote that in an hour or two it becomes possible to go to the forum.

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You could look at my profile to understand how mature a user I am.

I am not pointing a finger at you at all! I am saying generally as I have seen a lot of regulars not acting like a regular should. I am sorry if you feel offended.

Should have mentioned thatā€¦ well I hope it gets fixed then.

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Itā€™s because:


To be fair, Rthro users usually are the least mature players on the platform. Think of the trollers and noobs!


I do infact know that thanks for telling me againā€¦


It is Robloxā€™s problem. I had the same problem earlier. I just sent in a support ticket explaining the issue and left it at that. They will fix it, eventually. It took about 1/2 hour but I was able to access the forums again. The error that I was getting was HTTP 502 though, but same difference: Server Error.

This should be posted in #forum-help:forum-bugs. Forum Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox

This is not an issue that Roblox engineers can help with.

Regardless, the 504 error usually occurs when the DevForum is experiencing high demand and canā€™t handle your request at the time.

Hey @NoxhazeI, @Blocky_BoomFish and @2xA_Imagineer95 please stay professional in the replies to bug reports and do not reply if you have nothing to add to the issue being talked about. These replies are not helpful for us internally or for the main poster who is having the issue.

We can help with this issue.


Thanks @GAVsi115 for the post, this should be resolved now. If this happens again in the future consistently for a period of time feel free to post another topic in #forum-help:forum-bugs to let us know.

Sporadic 500 or 503 or 504 may be caused by network conditions between you and the forum server and we may not always be able to help much with, but if it happens consistently for several minutes in the future, weā€™d love to stay informed via bug reports.