Website displaying 0 for all game playercounts

Reproduction Steps

Often I will go to my home page and see that every game has 0 visitors.

Expected Behavior

It should show the proper playercounts

Actual Behavior

Some sort of caching error is not showing the proper playercounts


Clicking the individual game, or refreshing the page a few times, will show the proper count

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Often


Could you provide some more information on the frequency? How consistent is it and how frequently does it occur?

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I’m not sure how frequent it is, but I see it once a day at least.

It can also happen on game search, or the “full expanded view” of a category (Clicking “See All”)

So the bug seems to be with the tiles themselves and not just specifically the home page


I can confirm this has happened to me before, though only once and after I reloaded the page, player counts loaded correctly again.

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Can indeed confirm this happened to me aswell. Usually I was able to reproduce this by continuously refreshing the webpage until it occurs.

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It happens if you open roblox and not have it open while its loading the page.

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Yes i also confirm atleast one time a day it shows 0 player count for all ganes, i usually just refresh and it fixes it.

A developer working for us saw this again today

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Eh, that’s a pretty small bug
Roblox should fix it but you can just refresh the website to see the player count

Just happened to me again. Quite bizarre how sporadic this issue is.


Hello, Issue could be replicated just by Reloading Home Page many times!

Occurring for me occasionally as well

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Yeah, just a bug that has yet to be fixed. I can imagine it being fixed in the next few updates.

Happens for me as well. Happens about 2-4 times per day. Refreshing the page or loading a new webpage usually fixes it. Sometimes it only happens for some games on the page but not all.

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Thanks for reporting this! We’ve fixed the bug behind the 0 player count. Please let us know if you see other issues.

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