Website httpservice

I am a beginner. I am trying to learn HTTP service. I currently know very little of httpservice.
I am trying to figure out how you can connect your own website to roblox. For example, you can type someone’s username on the website and they would get banned. If you have any links that would help please leave them down below. Thank you.

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You can’t in fact “connect your website to roblox” like that, but there is a way to do what you want.

Basically, have a bans database stored on your website, which can be edited on it and which would be fetched every time a new server of your game starts. You can then either save it to a datastore or use solely the copy the server fetched.

This approach however has some downsides, mainly that if you just rely on your websitr and then it suddenly goes down for whatever reason… well rip your bans.

I can’t give you an example code, as it’s simply too broad. There are many different ways you could use to make (and edit) a database (sql, a json file, some lib) some of which require an extra work to set them up. You would also have to implement some basic authentication so that nobody who finds your site by accident can edit your bans list.

tl;dr it isn’t doable in 5 minutes (and requires some knowledge) so unless you have a good reason, don’t bother


Yea I tried google sheets, it did not really work. Thank you for the info.

pastebin is a pretty good tool to use for what you’re trying to do, just be careful not to call it a lot because it does have a limit

That’s exactly why it is a bad tool. Not to mention that the edits you make aren’t updated immediately. It isn’t persistent either - if your paste gets deleted you need to make another one (and hope you backed up the old one somewhere).

If you’re looking to create a scale-able data storing system you should use an actual Database. Pastebin and Google sheets are unreliable especially after you start storing a lot of data in them.

Here’s a very in depth tutorial on getting started with web development. Read this thoroughly and make sure to ask any questions on the thread.


tbh why even use http service, just store a string in a ‘ban datastore’, also pastebin may not be the most reliable but it’s not super unreliable

Thank you for the info Ill check it out

Ill check out pastebin thank you for the info I