Website Issue: Unable to purchase using debit card in UK and Isle of Man due to zip code requirement

Hi there, I’m a developer who lives in the Isle of Man. When purchasing premium I am shown the options in US Dollars (this isn’t a large issue, but here we use the IMP which is a derivative of the GBP, the IMP is tied in exchange rate to the GBP so they have the same value).

The main issue however is the debit card purchase screen - when my region is set to the UK or the Isle of Man, we are required to input a Zip Code… in the UK and the Isle of Man we do not use zip codes, we have a postcode in the format of letter-letter-number number-letter-letter i.e. a Manx postcode may be IM45HS - obviously this cannot be input to the current format because this has letters and 6 characters rather than 5.

^ picture taken after changing region to United Kingdom, all personal data has been removed


Interesting ngl, I’d say just buy a gift card then redeem it when buying stuff (you actually get a bit of a discount if you use a gift card)

Can’t you use a fake zip code?
Here in Finland post codes are used, such as my 14200 (don’t worry, the post code area is quite large so I’m not doxxing myself). If some website specifically wants a zip code, I just enter 90001, the zip code for L.A.

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