Hi there, I’m a developer who lives in the Isle of Man. When purchasing premium I am shown the options in US Dollars (this isn’t a large issue, but here we use the IMP which is a derivative of the GBP, the IMP is tied in exchange rate to the GBP so they have the same value).
The main issue however is the debit card purchase screen - when my region is set to the UK or the Isle of Man, we are required to input a Zip Code… in the UK and the Isle of Man we do not use zip codes, we have a postcode in the format of letter-letter-number number-letter-letter i.e. a Manx postcode may be IM45HS - obviously this cannot be input to the current format because this has letters and 6 characters rather than 5.
^ picture taken after changing region to United Kingdom, all personal data has been removed