Website UI Mock Design

In my adventure to learn UI, I made a mock website design! How does it look?

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It looks good! It looks like one of those fake youtube thumbnails with the fake browser, I like it!
Add a text button on the search thing, and make it so when you type something like “Banana” the images changes to bananas and the color is yellow. I’m not sure if you can do that, but it would be even more funny.

7/10. I like the design and color, but there is some room for improvement. Maybe add some more buttons instead of just the search button. Make it look more diverse and make it look like there is more sections of it. Maybe shrink the images and put some more. Also a cool floral border around it would be a nice touch. Other than that it looks pretty cool!

The text needs a bit of work, like that looks like a bootstrap 4 template ui. The search bar should be less wide then and the iodaic flowers should be more smol.