Website/App shows 4 friends but no one is in the experience

It’s very clear to see again. I am unsure if that’s a bug or not.

First Expirience: For like 5 months
Last: For 3 days
Device Info
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer
Expected behavior: Tell me the real amount of friends in-game.


Doesn’t that mean that 4 of your friends have played that game in a certain time frame?

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I think this tends to happen when your friends have Joins off, It may also be that It just hasn’t been updated. If my friend is playing a game It will update on the main page to say they’re playing something but if they leave It still shows the icon that they’re in the game just not the game information. (Not sure If I explained the second half very well)

But I don’t know I find the join feature with friends extremely glitchy :person_shrugging:

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Thanks for the feedback!
This refers to the number of friends you have who recently visited this experience.
We know this is confusing and are actively working on a redesign.
We appreciate your patience as we work to improve the UI.


When there is a green dot :green_circle: on the friend’s username without a title, it means that they are online but not in-experience. Is this what you are referring to?

Also, could you let us know more about the issues you’re seeing with joins? Thanks!

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  • The homepage never seems to update reliably, so I’m constantly having to check the profile for accurate info. Even then, sometimes it’s still behind.

  • Updates on the profile take forever (Takes me like 5 - 10 minutes and even longer when Roblox is having difficulties. This makes it annoying/difficult when trying to play with friends.)

  • The web version and the app often disagree (Doesn’t show the same information the majority of the time)

  • The app hardly updates the player information, showing incomplete or outdated information.

  • Joining someone through the app frequently results in crashes when trying to load in.

It also always wants me to re-download Roblox on the app as well.

Thanks for your feedback - We’ll investigate and see if we can fix some of these issues.

What device do you usually use when you are using the app?

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I always use PC.

3o charact3rs

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Doesn’t this mean that the user is in experience but has their joins set so you can not join them? A blue dot is used otherwise.

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:green_circle: = Player is in a experience and they can have their joins on or customized (ie off, only followers and friends and friends).

:large_blue_circle: = Means the player is online in the Roblox platform.

:orange_circle: = The player is on the Roblox Studio.

(Just making sure everyone can understand what they mean before thinking of something else that is not accurate!)


Thanks! Sorry I had to take some time to verify. I think this is correct for the Website behaviour.

However, on the Roblox App, currently “online on the Roblox website (not in-experience)” also displays as a green dot.

Rest assured that feedback about the confusion has been taken :sweat_smile: