Week 3 of multiple Terrain appearance issues

Edit: Made some edits! I noticed the fog after today’s studio update and decided to make this post covering everything I noticed over the last few weeks. Should have done more testing first! Join times have improved thankfully. Grass appears better but not quite there somehow.

- Games using a lot of Roblox’s Terrain are dealing with extremely long load times. Some reaching beyond 60 seconds. Try joining Jailbreak vs other games not using a lot of terrain like Adopt Me.
Terrain and Grass has a harsh cutoff for Level of Detail. GIF below.
- Terrain Grass has no shading. Possibly fixed. Still feels off especially underwater.

  • Fog is now “smokey”. This affects some games more than others. Looks like a fire is leaving smoke in the air. Previous values of 5,000 now require 15,000 to bring you something closer to the old look.
  • Underwater Fog is overbearing with what looks like a lower quality look. Could be related to LOD issues. Photo below.

These have been around for three weeks. I was really hoping to load studio to see a fix. I’ve been keeping a vague eye on the forums and haven’t seen anything really addressing this. Other topics are not in the bug report category so I’m posting this one here.

  • This appears to affect everybody, and it affects Studio and the Player.
  • It began 3 weeks ago today.
  • The bug originally appeared to impact Beam quality but I believe Beams were improved.

LOD for Grass and Terrain.

Low quality underwater scenes.


I noticed the difference in fog quality the first time I joined a game after the change. I definitely feel as if it is lower quality all around


I have also been dealing with this issue and have had many reports of really long or even infinite loading times. Though this morning when I opened up studio, it seems like it’s back to normal, not sure if it’s just me or whether the issue has been resolved. I haven’t received any reports of loading issues since yesterday either, so I can only hope that it has been fixed, at least to some degree.


Made some edits to the original post. A couple of these seem resolved! Thanks @martianrobot for reaching out!


Underwater fog has been awful as of the past 2 weeks, I’d like to know whether this will be fixed or not?
The players in my game spend a lot of time with their camera underwater and there is nothing I can do to change this.

Before update 429:

After update 429:

Water looks dirty & murky my community for SharkBite hate the change.

Can water be put back to how it was? Or ideally some sort of water fog properties be added so we can change this ourselves.


Ii think the best way to fix the underwater fog is to just turn off fog completely but that also brings in other problems such as to much LOD and such so I don’t know.

EDIT: One thing that sometimes works for me is just turning the water transparency up all the way but that probably wouldn’t help in your situation because you need the water transparency down a bit

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Unfortunately the transparency is at 1, and you can’t turn underwater fog off?

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Yes I’ve been dealing with extremely long loading time with a lot of water in the game its a really annoying problem.

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I have been experiencing the same issues. On my RobloxStudio projects and on Jailbreak. I takes pretty long to join, even tho I have a good computer. But it seems to me that it is better now. Still not what we deserve! Sorry for the delay on my reply, but I joined this forum recently and I just got the member role :grin:


My game has been getting the infinite loading time glitch since the start of 2020. The only person who has connected to my game ever since was a post approval moderator who joined somehow without problem, suggesting that the map was “too big” while older versions had around the same size and had no problem loading whatsoever.


This may stem from a similar issue I reported here about 3 weeks ago, maybe you can find more resources there as well:

I was told by ROBLOX Staff that most known issues that occurred from 429 were to be fixed in 430 and 431 (including SSAO issue and beam brightness/transparency)

However I was also notified that:

“While we progress rendering to more advanced levels, some engine shifts make it difficult to continuously satisfy all existing uses.”

Indicating that some visual changes (such as beam transparency in fog), were actually intentional to help enhance the rendering engine. In the case of beams, for example, there was an issue with beams appearing white for players and not integrating efficiently in fog. The trade off to fix that issue, as I was told by a staff member, was to make beams appear more transparent in the fog.

Of course, I’m not sure if your issue is one that is intentional, but I’ve come to a conclusion that most unintentional visual issues created from 429 release were patched (or supposed to be patched) in 430 and 431 releases.


It’s a shame they put all the effort in a DM rather than publicly on the bug report – now we need developers to play as proxy and the information can’t be easily linked to / verified to be posted by staff. I hope they put some public responses on the bug reports at some point too.


Try to maybe change the color of the fog. That could help.

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oh well I just turn the fog to a realy large distance and it doesn’t seem to be that bad but I’m not that experienced of a dev so take what I say with a grain of salt

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In addition to underwater fog looking generally worse, I have also noticed that if you set your graphics setting to 1 fog will not load properly and you can see the silhouettes of far away objects. This is pretty annoying for me because I was using underwater fog to conceal far away players but now some players are using low graphics settings to gain an advantage. I could be wrong but I have never noticed this until after update 429.


Underwater fog still seems to appear the wrong color. Any word if this will be changed or if this is intentional?

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