Weight bug with inventory

Hello. I’ve recently been utilizing an open-source inventory made by @Trix_set the post can be found here: Open Sourced Inventory System . Everything seems to work fine except for this one issue where you aren’t able to pick up any items after you reach the full weight capacity. I believe the code handling that would be this:

local function AddToSlot(item, userId)
	local tempData = TempDatas[userId]
	local data = Datas[userId]
	local itemInfo = ItemsInfo[item]

	if (tempData.Weight + itemInfo.Weight) > data.MaxWeight then
		print("not enough max weight")
		return false

	if itemInfo.Stackable then
		for _, v in pairs(tempData.Slots) do
			if v.Item == item then
				if v.Amount < itemInfo.StackCap then
					v.Amount += 1
					tempData.Weight += itemInfo.Weight
					return true

	if #tempData.Slots < data.MaxSlot then
		table.insert(tempData.Slots, {Item = item; Amount = 1})
		tempData.Weight += itemInfo.Weight
		return true
		print("not enough slots")
	return false

I’ve tried messing around with the code but I’m unable to figure out how to fix this issue. The rest of the code can be found on the post. Any help would be appreciated!