I’ve been trying to get more into mesh deform but no matter what I do it’s just so annoying to weight paint. I wanted to know if anybody had any helps, advice, or tips for weight painting and rigging models in blender for mesh deform. I attached a video where I showed the model I’m trying to rig. It’s a set of 2 wings that I made by subdividing a cube to make the frame of the wings and then a plane that I cut up in order to make it a model that flaps with the rest of it, not a beam. I’ve been trying to use Automatic Weights, it makes the weight paint choppy, and if I use radial, when I go bone by bone, there’s always a few vertices that aren’t being affected by the weight paint, thus they look weird and poke out.
If anybody has any sort of advice or tips regarding weight painting or even just modeling in blender at all, please let me know since it’d be a huge help. If you read through this, thank you for your time, and if you reply, thank you for your help, I will reply as soon as I can.
Have a good rest of your day/night, and stay safe.
Since your mesh is symmetrical I think you should be able to only do one wing and then symmetrize the weights and bones over to the other side. I’m not quite sure of the details on how to do that sorry, but it should be possible.
I recommend using a combination of the Vertex Mask and the Hide button(H hotkey).
Go into edit mode and select everything you are 100% certain you do not want to weight paint.
Press H to hide it. (WARNING: just hiding the mesh wont stop it from being weight painted)
Go into weight paint mode and turn on the Paint Mask
Slect only what you do want to affect. (you can do this without Hiding everything else, If your mesh is bigger, or if some parts are blocking your view hiding can be useful, it might not be needed here since your mesh is simpler.)
You can paint with radial paint or use the draw tool, for the few that don’t get affected…
Go into object data properties, and select the bone that you are weight painting.
R to rotate it, if there are vertices that aren’t painted, paint them until they deform with the rest of the bone.
*If the vertices that don’t get affected are on the backside, try turning off Front faces only, this allows you to pain through your mesh.
To reset the bone’s position, go into pose mode and select all the posed bones, right-click, Clear User Transforms