Weird Animation Issue (Tools, Swords)

Hello! I’m having an issue in animating my sword tool here: if I start an attack animation while an animation is happening (AKA, Spamming), it does this weird thing where the sword is near vertical (hard to notice but I’d like to know how to fix it!).

Heres a video of how it is supposed to look like (Pre-Spamming) and what I’m trying to fix (Post-Spamming):

How its supposed to look:

How it looks (While spamming):

Yes, I’ve tried changing the cooldown to my liking, but it also happens at much lower speeds than the cooldown right now. Also, the weapon I’m making is supposed to be a fast-paced one, so I don’t think that’s an option.
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I have a server-side module script that makes the animations for me:

local createAnimation = require(SSS.Modules.CreateHumanoidAnim)

Heres whats in it:

--Animation Creating ModuleScript
local function createAnimation(character, animationId, animationSpeed, animationPriority)
	local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid then return nil end

	local animator = humanoid:FindFirstChild("Animator") or humanoid:WaitForChild("Animator")
	local animation ="Animation")
	animation.AnimationId = animationId

	local animationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
	animationTrack:AdjustSpeed(animationSpeed or 1)
	if animationPriority then
		animationTrack.Priority = animationPriority

	return animationTrack

return createAnimation

Here’s an example of me calling the module:

local attackAnim = createAnimation(character, attackAnimId)
if attackAnim then

As you can see, I’ve also set the parameter in the play function to 0 for the transition so I don’t think that would be an issue

Thanks for helping!

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you didnt add in animation priority when calling the module, try doing that and set the priority pretty high up

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no, that doesnt seem to work. to me it looks like its when it changes from idle to actually start the animation which is causing the issue but idk how to fix that. i already set the anim priority when i created the anim if i remember correctly

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3 days out, im still unsure as to what the reason for the issue is