When I resize my r15 character using the scalers inside of humanoid, after a certain size, it starts to act weird. Landed state fires early, character is able to jump multiple times in air, when it gets close to ground it starts to float down to ground.
I believe this is just an issue with r15 characters when they’re scaled up to large levels. In terms of a fix, I’m unsure as I never really thought to experiment with something like that. You might have to do some research on a fix or wait for someone who has some experience with this to give you a fix, forgive me
When you change the values inside of humanoid, it automatically sets hip height. Pretty sure it’s nothing to do with gravity. I found a temporary solution by changing HumanoidRootPart size to 2, 2, 1 after resizing the character and manually calculating HipHeight. It seemed to fix it for now but if there is a better solution, I would love to try it.