I have been trying to make an R6 dummy face the same direction as the player character is via adding a BodyGyro object contained within the dummy’s torso. In order to try achieving this, I had set the BodyGyro’s CFrame to the player character’s upper torso’s CFrame (which was contained in a .stepped event).
Weirdly however, the dummy seems to spin about an imaginary point rather than its torso (which is where the BodyGyro object is located in): https://gyazo.com/2841d0d884898cf7bb70f5ddb0a615b0
At first, I suspected that the power/max torque may have been the issue. I had played around with the two values in hopes of fixing the issue, however, the dummy still did not spin about the torso. This was what it had looked like with 40 max torque on the Y axis: https://gyazo.com/0c5fdcf1b1688b295b7706e90739c98a
Something I also found strange was that the intensity of this issue varied between different R6 dummies. Here is what the explorer structure looked like for the dummy I had used displayed in the previous few GIFs: https://gyazo.com/1abde69699e1571c3929911d4196b530
Does anyone know why this might be the case?