Weird bug on Server POV

Hello guys,
Brief description of the issue
I have a problem with the server side POV after my character has been teleported using remote events.

Local script in button

local button = script.Parent
local TeleportToAreaEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportToArea

local debounce = false

	if not debounce then
		game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.Text = "Teleported player"
		debounce = true
		game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.ScreenGui.TextButton.Text = "Teleport to random area"
		debounce = false

Server script

local TeleportToAreaEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.TeleportToArea
local teleporters = game.Workspace.Teleporters:GetChildren()

	if player then
	local HumanoidRootPart = player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		if HumanoidRootPart then
		HumanoidRootPart.Position = teleporters[math.random(1, #teleporters)].Position

Client POV

Server POV

I am pretty sure you can teleport the player on the client side as usually it updates your character on the serverside.

Also I believe you could use character:PivotTo(tp.CFrame) for better results.

Hello Crax,
Thank you for responding. I have used your method and successfully fixed this issue.

I noticed that you said I can teleport the player on the client side. I thought most of the methods that I want the user to do must be from a server otherwise the server wouldn’t recognize the player’s request and update the properties.

Server POV