Weird Character Turning With Welds

So I made a hitbox for my game, and I welded a brick to the player. There’s a problem however with how the player turns sometimes, it’s acting strange!

Roblox (

Notice how the turning is very strange when i move my torso?

Does the brick have CanCollide set to true?

Nope, the brick does not have CanCollide set to true, it is as a matter of fact fale.

If it’s welded to the Torso, try welding it to the HumanoidRootPart.

You said you welded a brick to your player, try enabling CustomPhysicalProperties property on the part and changing the Density

set the hitbox to massless. the extra mass could be offsetting the walk path.

Tried both of these methods, and it doesn’t seem to be solving the issue we got here. You guys got any more ideas as to why this is happening?