The part in question is a union that was put together using separate parts. No holes were cut to make the opening. I have tried changing the collision type to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix this? I would rather use a union so the texture tiles correctly.
There are other openings and don’t have this problem. I have disassembled the union and put it back together again and it’s still doing it. So whatever the problem is, it’s consistent.
EDIT: I just tried it with the wireframe rendering and it doesn’t show anything there either.
Roblox isn’t the best at making a collision hitbox for unions with a lot of holes. You could change CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition but it will cost you performance depending on the detail.
The best advice I can give for a simple and quick fix would be to keep the parts as individuals rather than forming a union. You can typically get away with unioning under 15 simple parts, but anything above that threshold might produce unwanted behavior such as this. However, unioning even a small amount of large-scaled parts can produce this behavior as well.
If the complexity of the shape you are forming requires a union to be formed, consider creating the shape through software such as blender, or importing the current union into blender and performing optimization such as removing unwanted faces.
@Galaxy_Donutpower I tried all 4 collision fidelity settings and none of them worked.
@so_fx I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case since I have to keep the textures aligned. The parts are not large scale, but the part count is 8. Nothing complex.
What’s weird is that it’s only one opening that this happens on. The other two have no problem. Possible data corruption?
Try to separate the union into the original parts. If the collision bug still occurs then its another union in your game, and this has happened to me many times. If that’s the case then you may have to spend some time going through and figuring out which union is causing the collision issues and you can safely re-union the original parts. However, if it is the original union, then you will most likely have to leave it separated.
It’s that union specifically. When I separate it, it works fine. I didn’t want to, but I’m going to have to leave it separate. I’m going to file a bug report on this.
A simple fix for this is, making the part unioned not collidable then adding collision boxes seperately.
There’s probably better ways but I do this most of the time.
Why are you using unions? The geometry here looks like it could be replicated with parts. I suggest avoiding Unions for this and switching to parts.
These solutions on changing CollisionFidelity or creating invisible collision hitboxes are bad news and even less performant than just using Unions. The real solution would be to switch to parts.
I saved the file as separate parts and exited Studio. When I reloaded the file to reform the unions for the bug report, the unions started working correctly. At this point, it seem the workaround is this:
Separate union into parts and save the file.
Exit Studio.
Reload file and recombine parts into union.
Set collision fidelity.
I’m not sure if this will work in all scenarios, but it worked for me. As to why I’m using unions, there are two reasons. One is to reduce the part count. The other is so the material variant textures will line up properly. The union in question contains 8 parts.
Don’t go too crazy when it comes to unioning everything to achieve a lower part count. In many cases, the union actually requires more computing power than if it was kept as individual parts. It’s a very common misconception.
If your texture doesn’t line up, try messing around with the texture scaling properties. Should be pretty easy to line it up after that so long as you’re using rounded scaling measurements.