I have a sort of baseplate for my game, but, for some reason, when you zoom way out, you get sort of dark areas on the part, as shown below. The part’s transparency is 0, and the texture’s transparency is .9

And here’s a video:
Also, here are my lighting settings (I couldn’t include some of the fog area, but I have not changed any values):
Here’s the sky:
And here’s the ColorCorrection (Although I’m pretty sure this happened before then)

There are no other lighting effects besides sky and color correction.
Same things happen with maximum quality level in both Studio, Studio playtest, and Player
All Studio graphics modes tested
Any idea what is causing this and how I could fix it?
The reason why this happens is because you collided the parts into themselves, try to make better space and make them equal.
Pretty sure what’s causing this is the baseplate’s texture. Try removing it and see what happens.
There’s only 1 baseplate part, and no colliding parts
I’m pretty sure this would be fine without the texture, but the point is I want the texture.
EDIT: Same issue with texture gone
ANSWER: It was the baseplate, I think because they were sort of close together and both had textures? I was planning on removing the baseplate anyway
oh then just move or scale the part upper because the baseplate collisions is affecting the part since is so flat.
you dont have to remove the baseplate, just scale the part up a little bit
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I understand, but I’m good now. I want to keep that part the size it is, and remove the baseplate, but thanks for another solution.
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